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Shakes, Nerves and Loss of Sleep . . .

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Hello again everyone!

Im Elly for those of you that didnt read my intro blog im still new to this whole thing so sorry if my posts are too long.

Current weight: 222lbs.

Latest Meal: Chocolate Protein Shake

So im a day away from my surgery for Wednesday, August 3rd, 2011 and i was lucky and able to get my appointment for first thing in the morning. I dont think my nerves could handle waiting til the middle of the afternoon. I had only two shakes today because i dont think my stomach could handle much more of running back n forth to the bathroom. If only werent so damn yummy! If any of you are having a hard time finding shakes that you like try your local vitamin shoppe they have tons of variety or even the gym for those of you unlike myself that have joined one im sure they can tell you how to make those delicious after work out shakes that help boost your muscle growth and all that jazz.

Currently im packing for the hospital trying to remember everything im going to need and i find the more i pack the more nervous i get. Right now my greatest fear is that ill get to the hospital and the doctor will tell me i didnt lose enough weight on the protein diet. I know most people are supposed to loose 15-20 lbs but ive only lost 7 Nothing like seeing the finish line and tripping a foot before you reach it. I also attained my first scale Ever i normally avoid them like the plague but lets face it im gunna need one luckily my very supportive mother got me a weight watchers one which is fairly cool looking and is currently set in front of my frig so that i feel guilty every time i have a week i neeeed to eat somethinggg moment you all know what i mean. Ive tried crash diets ive tried everything thats out there pills all natrual remedies you name it trying to lose weight so when i found this worked for my mother and one of her friends i had to give it a shot. only my immediate family knows im having this surgery cause i find people tend to think its "the easy way out" or " cheating" I know its not a miracle cure ive seen my mother go through it first hand. Im not looking for a miracle cure im looking for a leg up.

I havent slept in 2 days and i know i wont sleep tomorrow night knowing that this is the start of a new journey a journey i hope to a newer healthier better me. I hope ive helped some of you with my blogs so far. We arent alone and i hope i get comments and advice soon! Til tomorrow when im really freaking out haha have a good night fellow Journiers (i know thats not a real word but hey this is my blog right :P )


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Good luck Wednesday! Just keep busy tomorrow by making sure everything is clean and packed and you have post op supplies so you have less to worry about the day of your sleeve and when you get home.

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I wish you the best of luck! I think it is great that you have your mother supporting you and understands everything you are going through because she had it done herself. Keep a positive attitude :rolleyes:

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Thank you so much! That means alot do you guys know what kinda post op supplies ill need? Other than tylenol and clear broth?

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