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Well, I KNOW that I wrote an entry yesterday and hit the button that said to "Publish Now". But it disappeared, and it never showed up on my blog space, so being technologically ignorant, I don't know WHAT happened to it. Oh well, not going to worry over it. It's post op Day 8 for me, and I am loving being able to advance my diet!


For those of you who have been reading about my journey (I'm not really sure anyone is reading this but me), I went to the doctor again yesterday for my persistant low grade fever of unknown origin. He decided that I had a mild urinary tract infection, and put me on antibiotics. And guess what? As of this morning, after only TWO antibiotic tablets, I have been fever free for almost 12 hours!!!! I am so happy, I am dancing in the aisles (figuratively anyway). I was beginning to get worried, and I feel like the weight of the world has been lifted off my shoulders! Happy Dance!!!


Last night my husband got the idea to take Ella (6 year old grand daughter) to the neighboring town to see the Cars 2 movie. It was fun, she loved it, and in the darkened theater, I sucked on and dissolved three of her chocolate M&Ms until they disappeared! I am bad! But oh were they good!


And today I got up, and I lost two pounds! I am down 31 pounds now. When I stumbled into the bathroom, I looked in the mirror and thought "there is that FAT girl in the mirror again!" I didn't look like I had ever lost an ounce. BUT after washing, brushing, flossing, etc, I stepped on the scale, and low and behold, down 31 whole pounds! My first thought was "I gotta adjust my weight loss ticker!" Even if it doesn't show yet, the scale rewards me with positive reinforcement, just by moving down a notch or two. Talk about a RUSH!


I will be flying back to California a week from today to return to work. So one of my projects this week is boxing up my "too small clothes" and mailing them to myself in California. I mentioned a couple of days ago, here I have lost 30 pounds, and none of my clothes seem even a little bit loose on me yet. But I am confindent that EVENTUALLY some of my stuff is going to start to look big. Hopefull ALL of my stuff with start to look big on me, and I will NEED to move to my smaller size clothes.


Also got to box up my scarpbooking stuff and mail it to myself, so I can work on some of my scrapbook projects on my time off. And today I am going to attack my house and clean. I may not get the whole house done, BUT I AM GOING TO MAKE A DENT IN THE MESS AROUND HERE!!! I am sick and tired of living in a mess, and am going to do something about it today. I did something about the mess my body was in 8 days ago, and today I start doing something about the mess my body is living in.


To any and all of you VGSers, Have a Great Sunday! I'm heading down to the treadmill.


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It sounds like you are full of energy! That's a good thing! I am scheduled for surgery July 6th - any words of wisdom to share???

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