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Only a little over a week away!! So ready for this! I went in for my pre-op surgical visit and it seems all is good to go. Got all the things done needed, chest x-ray, ekg, and lab work. Took a two and a half hour class on how to eat after surgery and more info then I could have possibly imagined. It feels good to have such knowledgeable people I know I can ask anything to and tons of resources for this surgery. I am on the tail end of Day 4 of the pre-op diet and so far it really has not been bad. Day 1 was the worst for me because of the horrible headache from the caffeine withdrawals, I forgot about those! But I am all good now! And feel pretty good too! I have been able to get on my elliptical a few times, and then did some major house cleaning the other day so that was a work out in itself. I am shocked at how easy it is to really pack in the protein and not the calories or fat. I had 850 calories today, 150 under goal, and 132 grams of protein!! Which is like over twice I was told I had to make sure I got. So, only real thing I am worried about is that I love, and I mean LOVE, water, but I gulp, chug, inhale, breath it.....no take tiny sips of it all day long. I have never had a problem with water intake, but now am facing a small mouthful every few minutes deal? Yikes. So, I am practicing now, when vomiting is not such a scary thing, rather than after surgery when it is. I told my husband if I have to use coffee stir straws in order to sip less water and protect my new fragile tummy, I will!

Oh hey, ONLY 8 DAYS GUYS!!!!

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Fox we will be here if ya need anything or need to ask any question.. I am almost 6 weeks post op. I will tell you one thing I dont think you should drink out of straws. Any kind of straw will put air in your stomach, and it will be uncomfortable in the beginning..I wish you all the luck and for a speedy recovery..

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You know, I was just reading about the straw issue last night! Thanks for letting me know, last thing I need is air in there!

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omg i have the same issue as u when it comes to not being able to drink lots of water, i believe i used to drink almost a gallon a day ( i luv water ), i didnt even become obese by drinking soda or fruit juices bc i rarely had those. im one wk post op today n im feeling great, at first i couldnt drink no more than 2-3 oz for like the first 3-4 days but now i can drink like 3 16oz bottles of poland spring per day which is awesome. my pee is no longer extremely yellow!!!

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