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from day 1 to 7

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I am 7 days post - op and it hasn't been that bad since I got home from the hospital. Today I go to the doctor to get my staples out. I haven't been in pain except for my back but I think it's from sleeping wrong in the hospital.


Being in the hospital was extremely frustrating and not at all what I was expecting. First my surgery was post- poned for 4 hours due to complication with an earlier gastric bypass. Needless to say actually staying was quite a challenge. I was ready to high tail it out of there and buy a pizza on the way home!:D After being NPO for so long I was dying of thirst. Nobody told me you walk yourself into surgery which was bizarre to me. Obviously I don't remember much besides laying on the table and talking to the doctor and being woken up to climb onto the bed to wheel me into recovery.


I was up and walking an hour after my surgery. I think I told my family that it hurt 1000 times in 2 hours. By the next day I hadn't had any pain medication and was walking around. Though sleeping in recovery was a challenge since the lights are on all night. I was then moved to a room. Here basically I walked around had a GI series (a test that check to make sure there's no leakage) and at disgusting broth and some jell-o. It's amazing how not hungry you are. I developed a slight fever 2 days after surgery which kept me in the hospital an extra day. I was supposed to go home Saturday and didn't get to until Sunday morning. Anyone who's stayed in the hospital believe me it will kill you!! You get no sleep. They wake you up every 20 minutes screaming your name and poking you. On the way home from the hospital we stopped at the drug store where I walked around. It gets a little tiring doing too much. Monday I was feeling fabulous and had a few friends come visit. Tuesday and Wednesday haven't been as kind. I'm nursing a sore back and not sure what to do about it. Taking liquid tylenol is kind of gross. I am going to the doc later today and he will hopefully have a plan.


I was hoping to go back to work tomorrow but am thinking next week is more realistic. It's not that I feel bad or achey just tired and the staples limit some movement. I can't wait for tomorrow when I can try and have some scrambled eggs! I wonder if anyone else had some back issues?

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Thanks for sharing. I was wondering if you had any back problems before the surgery? I had spinal cord surgery last year and wondered if I would have severe back pain after this surgery. I hope you feel better soon!!!

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