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My Journey To Become Less Than Half The Man I've Been

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Thank you for taking the time to read my blog. This is my first attempt at this so please be patient as I figure this thing out. It may be helpful to understand a bit of my history to understand some of the things that I write and emotions that I express. I have been a large person all of my life. I have lost over 100 lbs on 3 separate occasions. The bad side to that is that each time after the loss I gained an equal amount or more back. After examining my options and realizing that I needed some help I concluded that my best chance of living a longer healthier life was to pursue a surgical weight loss procedure. This is my story of how I began my journey to become less than half the man I've been.


On October 13, 2010 after the emergence of some joint pain and being tired of being tired all the time, I consulted with my family nurse practitioner (NP) to see if she had any suggestions. I had long known of the surgical weight loss options and had encountered several people who were successful with the process. I had considered it, but really always viewed it as cheating or taking the "easy" way out. I held the opinion that admitting the need for surgery was a sign of weakness and that I should be able to be strong enough to get the weight off on my own. I understood why others had gone through with the surgery, but I was different, I could do it on my own. Not to mention if I admitted to needing the surgery, I would be admitting that I was a failure and would have to face the shame of allowing myself to get to the point where surgical intervention was my only option. My beliefs and opinions met with some harsh reality on that fateful day when I met with my NP. She was very eloquent and concerned as she pointed some facts out to me. I was just about to turn 39, had been diagnosed with obstructive sleep apnea and high cholesterol, my blood pressure and blood sugar levels were both at the high ends of normal. She pointed out that thus far I had not had the more serious health issues...but they were unquestionably in my future if I did not get the weight off and keep it off. I gave her my prepped statements that I had lost before and I could do it again. I just needed to be focused and dedicated. She swiftly countered my statements with one simple question, "You've not been able to keep it off for the first 39 years, what are you going to do different to keep it off for the next 39?" Well she had me, and I was there after-all, to get her suggestion. Her suggestion was look into it, find out the details and be informed. Well how hard can that be? I can at least inform myself, that's fair. My NP made a recommendation for me to check with Grand Health Partners (GHP) and specifically Dr. Randy Baker. She gave me the contact information and the insurance paperwork to take with me in the event I decided it was something I wanted to do.


This, I believe, is where God had took over. I took the contact information and called after I left the office. I found out that the first step in the process with GHP was to attend an orientation. Now here's the God intervention part, they had an orientation meeting the very next day. Why do I say God stepped in? Well if I would have had to wait a week or so to attend that first meeting, I think my chances of actually going would have been diminished. I really believe I would have talked myself out of it and would have tried to do it on my own again. I attended the meeting and heard about the different procedures. I saw the testimonials and heard how people's lives had truly been changed by the surgical weight loss process. I learned how GHP approached the treatment of the patient not only surgically but completely. Each patient would be treated by a nutritionist, behaviorist, and exercise physiologist in addition to the staff doctors, physician assistants and of coarse the surgeon. They really looked to take care of all aspects of the weight loss journey. I left the orientation excited and for the first time in recent memory optimistic about my ability to have a healthy life moving forward. I filed the required insurance papers with my NP and began setting up the series of appointments required in the process.


The days from that orientation to now as I write this have been a blur. I began meeting with doctors, having a cardiac stress test, getting blood drawn for lab work, talking to dietitians and getting started on pre-operation diets. The surgeon and I decided that the best procedure for me would be a vertical sleeve gastrectomy. The short story on the "sleeve" is that it is the physical removal of 85% of ones stomach. It leaves a stomach with the volume of approximately 3.5 ounces, a bit less than a half of a cup. I had done all the insurance and surgical center requirements and was ready to more forward. Then on approximately December 16th, 2010 I received the call from Dr. Bakers scheduler, I had received final insurance approval for surgery and we scheduled the surgery for Jan 10, 2011.


As I write this I am now 6 weeks post surgery and it is the best decision I have ever made. I have more energy and feel so much better than I would have ever imagined. I'm fortunate that I have had no complications and really no difficulty to speak of. Would I still think of the surgery as cheating or the "easy" way out? No. The surgery on it's own will only get one so far. It still takes dedication to the diet and exercise programs and, for me, a complete change in my approach to food. There is a huge adjustment in how one eats and drinks. My meals now consist of approximately 4oz of food per meal. Gone are the days of the 23oz prime rib. I don't consider it cheating, I consider it a tool to help me get healthier and increase my chances of prolonging my life. By no means has this process been easy. It is a total and complete life changing experience. Oh and the less than half the man thing....once I get to my goal I will weight 46% of what I did on that Oct 13th day.


As I write this I have lost 36lbs on my pre-surgery diet and 52lbs since having my surgery for a total of 88lbs lost since my initial consultation with the surgery center on November 23, 2010.


Again, thank you for taking the time to read my blog.


Edit: 3-7-2011 I have lost a total of 94lbs, which makes me 80% of the man I used to be.

3-14-2011 (-)103lbs, 78%

3-21-2011 (-)108lbs, 77%

4-11-2011 (-)123lbs, 75%

5-16-2011 (-)150lbs, 69.5%

6-20-2011 (-)180lbs, 63.4%

7-18-2011 (-)204lbs, 58.5%

8-1-2011 (-) 212lbs, 56.9%

8-15-2011 (-) 221lbs, 55.0%

8-22-2011 (-) 229lbs, 53.5%

9-12-2011 (-) 242lbs, 50.8%

9-26-2011 (-) 247lbs, 49.8% It's official, I am less than half

the man I used to be!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10-7-2011 (-) 268lbs, 45.5%

4-4-2012 (-)307lbs, 37.6%

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