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I was bad. I went to starbucks and ordered a tall nonfat green tea frappachino. When I got back to the office I checked the calorie content. There was 200 calories in that little drink. I had a few sips and threw away over half of it. Well at least I have some willpower. I guess I don't want to forever be restricted to things but be able to limit them to small or very small portions. Does this mean that this surgery is still a good idea for me? Do people still have a life of food after surgery? Just a better and healthier one? Or are you so limited to what you have you cant go over to friends houses for dinner or to a restaurant? I know that most people on here can still eat out but I wonder what that really does to your stomach? I weighed in this morning and was at 282. Almost 10 pounds from my weigh in on Monday. Maybe I am feeling nervous because I am losing so quickly that when I meet with my surgeon I am worried he will be like okay you have lost enough, lets get you scheduled. What if I am not ready? Am I ready? I feel like I am, but at times I worry that I am going to alter my life so much that nothing will be the same. Its terrible to say that food plays such a big deal in life but most social activity is done around food or drinks. I still want to be able to enjoy life. I think that I need to make my list of things that will change once I lose weight. Maybe this will help me focus on what is really important and what I hope to accomplish.


Is it just me or does anyone else tell everyone about the surgery? I guess I don't keep secrets well and not everyone knows but there are 3 co-workers, my boss, my mom, boyfriend and grandparents...and then of course all of you. I am not embarrassed about it and if someone thinks it is a bad idea they sure don't say it to me. They ask questions and I answer. That is about it. I have not heard anything negative, at least so far.


Almost done with the work day. Well 2 1/2 hours to go, that is sort of almost done. We are going to my mom's for dinner, it helps that she is following the same plan so she will weigh out the food for me. Makes dinner nice and easy for me. I am curious to see how I manage during the weekend. Weekends are usually the hardest for me because I don't have any sort of structure during sat or sun. Ah well I am looking forward to the weekend so I will tough it out not matter. I am on the countdown 2 hours and 20 mins left. Hello weekend!

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You are going great, you are my partner in this journey so lets keep things moving in the right direction. Great job just having a little of that Starbucks thing.

I on the other hand have been sticking to this darn pre op plan like glue (if I didn't my husband would know, since he is following the pre op plan with me -although he only wants to lose 25 lbs). And by the way he thinks your doing great! Keep up the good work.

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i experienced the same thoughts im 5 days post op im 18 and i weighed 336 i lost 15 or so before surgery with my 2 week diet and i was feeling the same way of wheter or not to go through with it. and you should. but why worry abut resteraunts i think that will be the coolest part being able to order like a small salad and be full you can practically eat out every night. no one seemed to resent my idea of surgery other than my boss a woman who is very god like and she was completely against the idea and now she is praying for me and i guess she will have to see when i lose . trust me you can do this dont be nervous surgery doesnt hurt too much the only real pain i encountered was just my stomach muscle your stomach doesnt feel pain and now nauseussness but that will get better but trust me you will be fine and you will move to better places after surgery

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