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I got Results from the Biopsy NOT Taken!!

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Oddly enough I asked Dr. Felts if he found anything in my stomach or esphagus during my EGD. Of course the answer was NO, you are fine, I found nothing and took zero biopsies. Yesterday I had a chance to check the voicemail on my cell phone. I had a message from Dr. Felt's Medical Assistant telling me they had the results of my biopsy and there was a problem and I needed to call her back immediately for insttructions. What would you think at that point? Worst case scenario would be a tumor or a polyp that came back cancerous. Best case something called H-Pylori, something that is treatable with a PrevPac (Prevacid and an antibiotic).


I call Dr. Felt's office immidately after hearing this message to hear they are in clinic and I could leave her a voicemail and she would get back at the end of the day. The message sounded urgent and I tried to explain to the person on the phone the situation and she basically said too bad, do you want to leave a message or not?!? I left a message and called Hubby know she might be calling and talking to him as I had given her oral permission to talk to my husband or leave a DETAILED voicemail. Hubby too was worried and wondered what was found.


I finally decide to call her back right before lunchtime. They told me she was with a patient and asked if I wanted to hold for several minutes I was like sure why not? Finally she gets on the phone to tell me that I have...........................................


Inflamed cells in my Esophagus, I need to start taking a PPI such as Nexium or Prilosec and the doctor wanted to see me back in a YEAR for another EGD. Otherwise to continue as usual.


I was told to take Nexium in the recovery room, told there was no biopsies taken, scared out of my wits by her, told to take the same meds I was already on and follow up with a doctor that had "fired" me that she happened to work for. I scense a little communication problem within the ranks of Dr. Felt's office.

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