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5 Weeks Post-Op - 30 lbs. GONE !!

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It's been 5 week today since my surgery. I've lost a total of 30 pounds. So far I'm doing really well.


I did something stupid tonight, though. I had pizza for the first time. Pizza is one of my favorite foods. Stupid me, I totally forgot that I have a tiny stomach and I started eating it at the pace and bite size of my pre-surgery days. Needless to say, I was in alot of pain after about 3-4 bites. I only ate about 1/2 of one slice. It tasted REALLY Good, but I wish I hadn't ruined to moment by eating it too fast.


I posted a comparison picture of me pre-op and one tonight (5 weeks post-op). I can actually see the difference - Woot Woot.

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That is awesome!!! Waaayyyyyy to Goooooooo!! That should make all of your clothes baggy, isnt it about 20 pounds per size. Dont forget to get rid of all the too big clothes- you wont need them!

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Wow! Great big pat on the back for you. 30 pnds is awesome! I'm so envious. I'm a day shy of my 5 week mark and have only lost 1/2 as much as you. What's your secret??

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Terri,your pics look like you lost more than 30 pounds. I had to do a double take. You look great. Keep it up!!!!

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The difference in the photos is amazing. You must be so proud. It's so nice when you get to actually see that it's all worth it. I know you will continue to go well. Best of luck.

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