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An overwhelmingly emotional day

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Just a little backstory.


Harley our cat has been in my life for the last 11 years. My son and him have grown up together, and he was like a second child to me.


This weekend, we noticed some behavioral changes, listlessness, just not himself and then some labored breathing. Scheduled an appt with the vet, but today he declined severely and rapidly. I took him in this afternoon. And, after an x-ray and other diagnostics, it was determined that his prognosis was extremely grave. His symptoms came on extremely quickly, and today he had peripheal edema all over his body. His final diagnosis was some sort of neoplasia (cancer) with secondary kidney failure. There was nothing they could honestly give him that would give him the quality of life that I think pets deserve. I could chosen to give him lasix for a few days, but honestly it would not have given him anything more than a couple of days, and then he would decline again. We came to the heartbreaking decision to let him go. I bawled for 2 hours at the vet waiting for my husband to get off duty on base, and get to the vet. My son is heartbroken as this is his first loss of a pet. I was a vet tech for 12 years, and regardless of how many times I had to comfort 1000's of pet owners through this process, nothing prepared me for how I would feel at this very moment.


I was a single mom for 8 years before meeting my husband, and Harley was my best friend and like a second kiddo. He lived a fabulous life with us as more than just a pet. He slept with me every night, making biscuits on my belly, and would greet me at the door when coming home. This was our day in and day out routine. I definitely was not emotionally prepared for this, and watching my son say his final "good-bye" was absolutely heart-wrenching.


My husband and I stayed with Harley during the procedure as I don't believe in having strangers comfort our loved ones in their last moments. I chose to have him privately cremated, and his ashes will be returned to me in a little cedar box. I couldn't bring myself to bury him in Florida knowing that we'll get orders and move from here.


It was difficult laying in bed tonight and not have him there with me. I can only imagine how difficult the next few days, weeks and months will be as I will truly mourn this loss as I would any other loss of a family member. Harley was more than just a housecat, he was my comforter through all my complications post-op this past summer, he kept me company when John is deployed or away at training, he chased the 46lb basset hound around the house, kickin his ass and taking names. While I know we made the right decision, I almost can not forgive myself for letting him go. I made my husband promise me that he would not bring another cat home until I let him know that I was ready. John made it home a few minutes before myself and my son, he got his cat box, food and water bowls put away so I wouldn't have to deal with all that. Truly, my husband is my rock in situations like this, and I'm so grateful he was able to be there with me today.


If you pray, please keep my family in your prayers. I was outside tonight on my porch. star gazing, and I saw this beautiful falling star and all I could think to wish for was comfort and peace for my son. He understands that it had to be done, but it doesn't make it any easier on him. They were literally the best of buds for the last 11 years, and my son is only 11.5 years old. My heart is full of memories of Harley and his shenanigans, and I will cherish those memories forever.

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Tiff-my pets are my life. We had a Catahoula Curr Dog who was a member of our family as well...rushing to meet us, licking us to death. She was mauled by another dog, and didn't make it. My daughters couldn't bear to see her buried, so me and my fiance buried her in the backyard. My dad made a headstone. I'll keep you in my prayers, remember, everything happens for a reason, even though we don't understand it.

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I am so sorry for the loss of Harley and you did the right thing not letting him suffer but it is so hard!! It is a shame that our pets don't live very long and we have to say goodbye so soon. I have buried many beloved pets and it still hurts so much. My prayers are with you and your family.


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my prayers are with you and your family. i know harley will be greatly missed. keep your head up and when the time is right, i bet another one will come into your heart to comfort you. love you girl

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Thank y'all so much. It's been a weird feeling with him not here, but I also know that he's not suffering. I was getting some shoes out of the closet the other day, and I found a tuft of his hair. I practically lost it. He like to sleep in my shoes. There's little reminders of him all over the place. I love him, will always miss him, and I hope I'm able to find the strength to go back to the vet when they call to let me know his ashes are available for pick up.

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