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One of those GOOD days! :-)

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I get on here and rant or whine alot, so I thought I'd switch it up a bit today. I'm having a great day!


My weekend SUCKED!!! I work full time but also teach graduate psychology online part time. Usually, it's pretty manageable, but for the past 3 weeks, the terms overlapped. So instead of having my usual 3 manageable classes, I've had 6! I've been dying! Final grades for the first 3 classes were due yesterday, so I had a weekend marathon of grading papers all weekend. Literally! I sat in my chair, on my computer all day Saturday with 2 breaks for walks, and all day Sunday with no breaks. Sunday was from 10 a.m. to 3 a.m. Yes - A.M. Gave up then and went to bed. Of course, that meant no work-out yesterday morning and I still had to finish up the last of the grades yesterday. My butt was dragging!!!


However - I was in bed - dead asleep - by 8:00 last night and got up for my regular workout this morning. It's amazing what sleep and exercise do for a body!! My husband had to go to work early this morning and the kids are still with the grandparents until this weekend, so when I got home from working out, I had the house to myself.


So I went shopping in the back of my closet, where all the clothes I love but can't wear anymore are exiled. I am proud to announce that I am wearing a dress I haven't been able to wear in over a year! And can I just say - I'm not just wearing it, I'm rockin' it! Several of the others are close, too. I could probably wear them with a shaper underneath, but I'm going to wait until I can wear them without one. I was dying to step on the scale this morning, but I was afraid I'd kill my buzz and/or start with the self-sabotage.


Other bonuses today:

  • Got my cracked windshield replaced for $40 thanks to a Groupon
  • Went and got my nails done over lunch to go with my new-old dress
  • The weather here is absolutely gorgeous today (76 degrees and sunny)
  • Get to leave work early to go to a pointless (but painless) meeting in another clinic, after which I will probably go home early
  • The MLB All-Star game is tonight, which means that no matter who wins, my husband won't pout :-) (It ain't easy to be married to a KC Royals fan!!!)


There you have it - a genuinely good day!


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