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Just sort of checking in.. I havn't lost any weight since i lost a bunch from the flu. i need a fill super badly but i cant get one because i cant miss anymore classes cuz finals are so close..i dont want to sound whiney, but I don't want to wait two and a half more weeks to see any progress!! :( I could use a little push if anyone could give me one.


My bday is next thursday, so i'm excited for that. I'm getting an awesome Proform hybrid trainer! its a mix between a recumbent bike and an elliptical! i'm so excited to start riding my bike and eventually using the elliptical once i get stronger! I really need to get my fibromyalgia pain under control first though.. which is really frustrating, i just want to be able to push my self and not worry about hurting myself. i really want to be able to exercise so i can lose more weight! I've been walking quite a bit but that's causing fibro flare ups to. so things could use some adjusting. And if anyone reading this has fibro also, let me know, because I have some questions about your experience since the band.


Also I decided that it would be a good idea for a therapeutic project for me and a great expressive piece for my portfolio to do a series of self portraits over the course of my journey. I'll probably do it at around 50 lb increments. I'm hoping it will look good at the end of all of this.


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good for you. sounds like you are being positive regardless of the scale. the trainer sounds like something right up your alley as it's a bike and elliptical. I feel your pain litterally and figuratively. I don't have fibromyalgia (or at least it's not been diagnosed) but I do have alot of knee and hip pain due to arthritis and possibly an underlying auto-immune issue. I'm headed to the rheumatologist next week for further testing. The only exercise I can do at the moment is in the pool and right now, I'm not even doing that as my inflammation is so bad that the physical therapist wants me to just rest for several days. I know at some point my weight loss will plateau and without exercise, I don't know if I can lose all the weight. I hope you feel better soon and can use the trainer ASAP.

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Thank you! And I know how miserable trying to find out what is really wrong can be, :/ so I hope you find out soon and i hope it's something treatable/curable and you also feel better soon!!

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