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So let me tell you about my job. I am a dispatcher for a water hauling company in the Texas oilfield. I work with 95% men. One person here knows that I got the Lapband. ONLY ONE!! I took a week's vacation and had the surgery.


I am/was always the girl that baked cakes for the guy's birthdays. Made them crockpot stew on the weekends, brought chicken pot pie, you name it I have baked or made it for my drivers. In return that has made me "the favorite dispatcher"...lol. Some mornings I have had McDonalds brought to me for breakfast (sausage gravy and biscuits..they all know is my favorite) or a breakfast burrito from the local Mexican Bakery. When they have an extra ding-dong or butterfinger left over, I get it brought in to me. One driver brings me hot chocolate by the handful so I can add it too my coffee in the winter time. I get asked at least once a week, what I am cooking tomorrow or "how bout some of that banana pudding??"


It has never bothered me...thats just who I am. I have ALWAYS cooked for the people in my life. Big dinners, small dinners, nothing is off limits. I remember in high school inviting 10-15 people over for fried chicken dinners. Or waking up at a friends house and cooking a huge breakfast for all of her brothers and their friends after a night of partying. If you wanted food...call Kelly!!


Yesterday, I realized that this may become a problem. One of the night drivers brought me a FRAPPE from McDonalds. YUMMY!! OH how I love them. I stared at it for awhile, He was like "so did I get you the right one??" So, I took a few (yes I promise just a few) sips until he left to go get his truck. Then I ran to the sink to pour it out!!! VICTORY for me!!


Today, another driver comes in with a CUPCAKE. Says "here honey I saved this just for you". This was just a few minutes ago, by the way... So here I am sitting at my desk, with a flipping CUPCAKE staring at me. And you know what??? I dont even have the slightest urge to taste it!!! NOT EVEN A LITTLE TASTE!! Oh yes, it looks good. It's in a package, so I dont know how it smells..lol. But never mind that, the important thing is I DONT CARE!!!


ANOTHER VICTORY FOR ME!! So I'm thinking my drivers will be getting less...German Chocolate Cake for their birthdays. And my trash can will be getting alot more food from this gal!!!


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I'm very proud of you. Maybe it is time to say, I am trying to lose some weight and I can use the help of not eating any more bad things. Meanwhile, they are very sweet, but then you are too.

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Good for you!! Start making healthy tasty stuff for your drivers. You will help your health and theirs. That is what I do at family pot lucks now. Also, drip hints of what you like now they will get it in time. My staff use to bring me M&M's all the time, now I get fruit or black coffee. When some ask why I changed- I said new taste or I'm getting older gotta watch things better.

Great job- keep up the good work.

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