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Clinical - Cold - Cattle Call?



Finally made it back to my WLS for the follow up to my endoscopy. Had to reschedule twice - once due to a funeral and oncedue to a severe snowstorm. Figured since nothing had changed for better or worse, other then dealing with what I've already been dealing with, no big deal. Figured after the total $5,500 procedure where allegedly, "biopsies" were taken, if there was a problem, the surgeon would have called. Actually, I thought regardless of the results, someone would've called, but no one did.


My WLS just moved their office to a new location and with the gray-green paint, super-wide doors and chairs, no magazines and their brusque, unfriendly check-in staff, it was just sooo warm and inviting! It was entertaining watching them shuttle one after another new patient in, with that 'I'm doing you a favor...let's move it along...sign here, here...' eyerolling, heavy sigh annoyed attitude which was delightful.


As usual I'm taken in for the prefunctory weigh in, blood pressure, temperature nonsense and left to sit for 45 minutes past my appointment time. Finally, in trots the PA. I've never met her before and she clearly has no idea why I'm there, so I have to go over the whole deal again. She then asks me what I want to do and I have to explain again that that's why I'm here - to find our what the surgeon noted on the endoscopy and what her thoughts were. "Didn't, umm the doctor, umm talk to like whoever brought you to umm the procedure?" So I recap for her what the surgeon told my husband hoping that'll jog her into disclosing any additional impressions/recommendation/biopsy results the surgeon noted, but no, she comes back with, "well, that's about it...". So I ask the PA what the surgeon suggests we do and she tells me the surgeon was hoping that by scoping me and writing scripts for Prilosec, the problem would've resolved itself?! WTF!


Note that a no time has the surgeon come in to speak with me, although he's there - I saw him in passing.


The PA steps out into the HALL and discusses me and my case in the HALL with the surgeon. The PA comes back in and says to me, "We have one question first - why did it take you so long to come back in?" . I was polite when I said, "Pardon? Do you mean when I first had problems, or for my post-endoscopy follow up?"

She's confused(again!) so I have to explain the whole deal from July '12(see my earlier entries) again and then explain that I can't just blow off a funeral and I'm not dumb enough to ignore the local authorites telling me to stay off the roads with a fast falling foot plus of snow!


Long and short of it - I have to go back AGAIN(Chach-ching) to meet with the surgeon to discuss removal, revision...

Interesting to note - you can have mastectomies and immediate reconstruction(same time), but apparently you can't have your band removed and have a new band or other surgery. You must "heal" and come back to be opened up again for a second time. Why? According to the PA, it's to ensure your insurance company will cover it!!!


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I am pretty enraged by this. I am so sorry you have to deal with these people it is nowhere near a healthy surgeon relationship. I hope you can find another surgeon who gives a ****. Hang in there!

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I agree, you need a new doctor and complain to the hospital about this so called doctor. When I go for fills I have only seen my doctor. He has a site from the hospital where you can write and ask questions, too.

Good luck with this.

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