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Some things learned so far

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I post this here so I can refer back to it often.


1) Where you are in life isn’t a measure of your full potential. It’s a measure of how you’ve played life’s cards SO FAR.


2) It’s never too late to play your hand a different way.


3) If you challenge YOURSELF every day, you’ll have more experience when LIFE challenges YOU.


4) Just like muscles need to be broken down to get stronger, sometimes we need to be broken down mentally and

emotionally to get stronger in their respective senses as well.


5) Sometimes the people that you thought were good in your life were actually the people stepping on your head.


6) Surrounding yourself with positive and uplifting people, thoughts, pictures, quotes, experiences, etc. is the way to

FEEL like you are living a positive and uplifting life. The same is true for the opposite.


7) HUGE personal successes start with a LOT of smaller efforts that build a solid foundation for that success.


8) When you don’t believe in yourself, other people don’t believe in you either. When you DO believe in yourself, people

get blown away by everything you accomplish.


9) Some of the same people that see you turn your life around for the better will try to bring you back down to their level

in order to feel good at the level they are STILL at.


10) When those people start to succeed in bringing you down, FIGHT HARDER! KEEP your goals, and know that you

STILL have MORE potential to unleash!


11) NEVER GIVE UP! When you give up, you are saying, “I’m not worth it.”


12) KNOW that you ARE worth it!


13) Life isn’t easy or fair. The people that fare the best are the ones that adapt in difficult situations. Teach yourself to

adapt! Get creative!


14) The same routine yields the same results. If you’re unhappy, CHANGE something.

15) Patience!

16) “When you were in high school, college, etc…” < Stop living in the past! Live in the present!


17) Stop making excuses! Admit you’re flawed like the rest of the world, and figure out a way to be the BEST version of



18) The best version of YOURSELF? What is that? Figure it out. Experiment. Stop looking to others for easy answers to

YOUR complicated personal battles.


19) Be proud of yourself!


20) Taking pride, and being a self-absorbed tool bag are NOT the same. So relax, and talk about your accomplishments

a little. It’s OK! You might even inspire someone else!


21) Stop worrying about failure, and “what ifs.” Focus on what you WILL do instead. When you decide to do something,

you find a way to do it. When you worry about failing, you find a way to do IT too.


22) Taking care of YOU should be a PRIORITY. It doesn’t make you selfish. It means you have self-respect. Besides,

everyone knows you can’t be fully present for others when you’re not for yourself. Win-win.


23) Take out the trash. You’re not a dumpster, so get rid of the garbage in your life. (Whatever that garbage is- people,

food, habits…etc.)


24) Allow yourself to be human and have “bad days.” You’re not a superhero. Get over it.


25) When you DO have bad days, find a way to re-inspire yourself. Even if it’s just by making a list of things you’ve

learned in life and sharing it in on the internet :)




27)Remove the Drama from your life!

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