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In the WLS journey we will meet all sorts of people: negitive nellies, debbie downers, encouragers, motivators, ect. We will find people at all stages who tell us we are making a mistake, or we will not succeed or we will gain it all back. Then we will find people who will encourage and motivate us to continue on the journey and keep working hard.


However, I think the worst enemy we run accross is ourselves. I have long know that I was my worst enemy. I am harder on myself than anyone else could ever be. For many years though I took a break from honestly looking at my weight. Once I did confront it and realize where I was and I had to do something about it, I have been really hard on myself. Maybe I don't forgive myself for allowing me to get to the 240's.


Now I am always second guessing myself- as I losing enough, what am I doing wrong, did I eat to much, did I eat enough. Honestly, the first months weren't to bad, the weight easily melted off and it was a true honeymoon period. Now, I am in the trenches fighting for ever ounce. I am always asking myself, am I drinking enough, am I eating to much - to little, am I moving enough. Can I, Will I?


The bottom line is I, me, myself is the ONLY one who can make this journey a success or failure. My doctor and NUT want me to succeed, hey it only makes them look good. The negitive people want me to fail. However, I am the only one with the power to do it or not. I must make the decisions to eat as I am told, to eat better higher quality foods, to move more and sit less.


There are people on this site that have done nothing short of AMAZING!! Amazing isn't a strong enough word here. I mean Missy- come on- 200 lbs in a little over a year- WOW that is fantastic. Carolina girl- 100lbs in 9 months- fabulous. Then there are the people on here that complain about the band not working or questioning is it okay to eat a whole pizza or did they just hurt their band by doing it. Then there are people, that I count myself in, that are trucking along- that aren't having grand losses, but aren't gaining either.


I have to say I am the one to blame for not doing as well as some. While I do move more than I did, I don't move as much as I could. When I got home yesterday, I should have taken my fat hind parts and hit the elliptical- instead I took it to the chair and relaxed due to a exhausting day at work. Those are the days when I need someone to slap my hind parts and tell me to get the h$%% up and MOVE.


I also am not as strick in my food as others. I was afraid that if I cut certain things out of my diet (carbs) that I would certainly relapse to being over weight. I wanted to hit a balance of eating anything I want just not as much. Well, that has worked pretty good (lost 50+ lbs), but I am starting to think after a 3 month SLLLLLOOOOOWWWW down in loss that I may have to reevaluate the situation. What can I cut or what can I cut more than I have. Like I said I am the only one with the power and I must enforce it.


I know that I will be to the point I am no longer obese and I believe I will get out of or at least to the low over weight BMI range, but I will do it in time. I will not do it in year, but by the 3 year post op mark I want to be in the wonderful 140's or at the least 150-155.


I have the power to do this- I just have to use the force!! May the force be with you to!!

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I can understand your points about being hard on yourself I do the same thing. It sounds like to me you have the right mindset Weight loss, YOUR way and nothing wrong about a healthy slower loss. But what I get from your post overall is you have a great attitude towards this and an internal monitor that is not going to let you fail at this! Keep up the good work!

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I am my worst enemy as well. I relate to your post more than you know. I am an "all or nothing" girl. My husband remarked that he has noticed that I have a more balanced approached to my journey this time. Where I am not at the gym everyday and hate myself on the days I don't go, etc.

I have to have balance, I have to approach this as a lifetime goal, I have to be happy with myself today!

Today I wish you peace and acceptance of yourself and pride in your amazing success!

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It is who we are that make us who we are. So much negative in the world to be dealt with negative from people close to us. I find as I stated before, those who complain the loudest are the ones who d not adhere and can't fathom why. YOU are doing fantastic. I am beyond proud of you. You mentioning me in your blog was special to me. I am honored and I thank you. I hope I can offer a ray of hope or a positive thought on a day when you or others need it. I think your blogs/comments are awesome and they are very appreciated.

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