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Thank You, Thank You Very Much



Journey began- June 22, 2012 (band day)

Weight- 244 (Highest 247)

3/3/14 weight- 192.8

Sizes- pants 14/16 shirts L


So much as taken place since June 2012. Some days it really hits me how much I have changed both inside and outside. I have a lot of people to thank for this including myself.


My hubs- For encouraging me to move it to lose it and for being my support. His encouragement has gotten me through the rough days.


My parents- for supporting me in this journey and for telling me they are proud of me. Just this weekend my dad told my hubs to buy me a new coat because they one I had was wayyy to big- this really made me feel good because my dad does not compliment people.


Lapband site folks:


Carolina Girl- for her no nonsense, this is the way it way of responding and blogging. Often she reminds me what this is really about.


Missy- for being the ever encouraging inspiration lapband rockstar. The way she responds to post and "likes" most encourages me to hang it and that I am not a crazy bandster.


Jean McMillian- for her responses, her articles, ect. This last article she wrote slapped me upside the head and I needed that Gibbs slap.


The great thing about this site is while you will on occasion encounter negative nellies and the general butt hole, you also encounter folk who know what they are doing, who have and are rocking the journey and can give great encouragement and support if you just listen with an open mind.


Of course there are days when I feel like crap and that I am a total failure, I think we all experience this at some point during the journey. However, times like this weekend when I try on pants and find that size 16 shorts are to big and 14's are perfect and a large shirt fit just right let me know I am doing this no matter how I see myself in the mirror. There are time when I still feel like shammoo in drag, but I am doing this- I am getting smaller and healthier.


So thanks to all who have encouraged, supported, listened, responded, posted their stories, blog - you have made an impact on this bandster!!


Recommended Comments

Congratulations on this wonderful journey you are taking. Husbands can be such wonderful support team leaders. I know mine is and it sounds like yours is too.

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