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Endoscopy on Monday



Scheduled for an endoscopy on Monday. Never wanting to assume that my insurance will cover just anything, I called to make sure. It is, as is removal of the band, but "revision" requires pre-approval. The person I spoke with couldn't clarify for me what encompasses "revision"...replacing the band with a new band? going for the full monty with a bypass?

Not required to, but I emailed my surgeon's PA to reinforce the need for pre-approval if "revision" gets tossed around. Why jump the gun since this is only a"look-see"? Well, I this is what I told him and his response...


Me: "The endoscopy has been scheduled for 2/18. Just to let you/surgeon know, the same "rules" we discussed before still apply. Definitely can't eat while wearing a bra, though I can eat small amounts of "safe" foods while seated. I've largely given up on any food that isn't the consistency of yogurt. I haven't been able to get down more than a tablespoon of vegetables and even the smallest amount of meat/fish/chicken will be making a reappearance. Tried again tonight - single slice of thin deli ham, chewed 45 times - stuck and likely coming back. The area around my port is tender but not consistently so.


Checked with my insurer endoscopy is covered without preapproval, so is band removal if needed. Any revision surgery will need preapproval."


PA: "Hopefully the egd goes well and gives us some answers, but the longer this persists with difficulty swallowing, and keeping down, foods that you should be able to tolerate, especially without any fluid in your Band, the more likely it is we will need to take a look with a diagnostic laparoscopy as we have discussed."


Guess what a "diagnostic laparoscopy" is? It's the same procedure used to go in to place the band, except this would be another "look-see"...if there's a problem, they'd take out the band. I'm guessing that any revision options would be agreed upon before this procedure, which is actually surgery but the thought of the surgeon leaving me on the table while they go off to get pre-approval has crossed my mind! LOL


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It's a way to make more money?

Half dreading Monday - I'm still trying to blame myself..."it must've been something I did or didn't do"...and what if they get in there and in their view, nothing's wrong?(Not that they'd tell me that; I'm sure I'm going to be told I "need" the diag lap as well)

Is it all in my head and I'll just have to deal with it?

Mining for even more info online and it appears that I should be able to eat a small salad, veggies instead of getting my green fix a la V8.

Yesterday was classic...crazy busy...errands, volunteering and given that it takes me 40 minutes to get down breakfast I opted for a protein shake...went down, no problem. Four hours later, got home, dropped off the perishables, had a glass of iced tea and grabbed four(4) Combos pretzel snacks(To a certain extent I can do crunchy). Chew,chew, chew...back in the car and within 10 minutes I knew I was going to be sick. Pulled into a shopping center and barfed in one of the poo-poo bags I keep in the car for the dogs! Made it to the store I was headed to and right into the bathroom to throw up twice more.

Last night I was able to do a slice of toast; this morning - no way.

Thank God for gummy vitamins, fiber and probiotics for keeping me somewhat healthy and coffee for keeping me going. Nevertheless, I'm always tired, look bloated and my nails look like crap fairly sure I'm not getting enough protein. I know ...whine, whine, whine. Well, at least someone around here is happy...my two dogs who get to eat 3/4 of what I make for myself! LOL

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