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Head vs Mouth vs Stomach



I have figured out that a lot of the reason I use to eat had nothing to do with hunger.


see something- eat it.

Smell something- eat it.

Board- eat

Worried- eat

Meal time - eat


I ate my way to almost 250 and I knew it had to stop.


Now I am much more selective about what and when I eat. I now eat 3 meals a day and sometime one snack. I still eat things I love, but I eat less or them.


Today I walked into the breakroom at work, there was a smorgasborg or treats: grapes, cheese, crackers, pimento cheese, rolls, celery. While these foods aren't bad foods, I didn't eat them, I wasn't hungry. In times past I would have fixed a nice rounded plate and gone back to my corner office and ate up. While my mouth and mind were saying yummy, just one bite, my tummy was saying, but hey yo I don't want any, not hungry please don't.


My eyes, mouth and mind get me in a lot of trouble when it comes to food.


My husband in blind, but very strong resourcful, brillant wonderful man; but he can't see the foods laying around. He never picks and taste at things, he doesn't graze. He eats his 3 meals and about 2 snacks a day and that is it. He isn't tempted by the stuff laying around because he can't see it. Now at meals he eats well, but that is a different story.


But, I think I need to become more like him; blind to the food just laying around. When I make a concious effort not to indulge I am fine, but when I uncounsiously peck I will pay with weight gain.


In my wieght loss journey I need to get my mind, mouth and tummy all on the same page.

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I couldn't agree with you more!

Another thing I'm realizing is the massive quantities I used to eat, not because of hunger, but simply because it was there to eat. I still battle with "my eyes are bigger than my stomach". In fact, my kids will laugh at me because I'll measure out a cup of food but it's something filling and bulky. I'll sit down and my daughter will say "there's no way you can eat all that". Sure enough, she's right. But in my warped mind, I go "well I want a whole cup! that's what I get per meal!" when the reality is- I don't even need that much sometimes and often aren't actually hungry enough to eat it all.

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