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Waste of Money!!!

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Okay I feel sure I am likely going to offend someone here, so if you are easily offended stop reading now!


I don't often get on my "high horses" but I am today.


I have heard people complain and moan and groan about surgery being a waste of money and time. Well my first questions is....

Did you follow you doctor's orders?

Did you listen and follow what the nutritionist said?

Did you go in to see the doctor and discuss issues?


If the answer to any of those are no then you wasted your own money! I work hard to make a living and I am not going to give my money away for nothing. I am paying my surgeon and my nutritionist a prime rate and honey you better bet I am going to listen to their orders. If I feel like something they told me is unfounded then I am going to discuss it with them and see if we can come up with a plan- for example multivitamins make me sick. For some reason multivitamins make me very ill, for a first couple of months I took individual vitamins throuhgout the day to prevent getting sick. After that I ask my doctor to test my levels and everything was great. The doctor gave me clearence to stop taking most of the vitamins only if I had my levels checked monthly. I have and everything is fine. I still take B vitamins since those have always been low.


I didn't just do my own thing and ignore his advice. We made a plan and I followed through.


My opinion, again this is MY OPINION, if you are not going to follow doctors orders then don't spend the money and waste the time to have surgery.


If you are not willing to commit totally to what it takes to be successful with WLS don't do it. It may be that you aren't ready right now, but in time you will be.

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You know early on I asked my Dr the following... What percentage of people who fail are self pay vs insurance paid. I thought for sure he would say ... hands down insurance paid people... my thinking was obvious in that if you shelled out the cash you would be more committed.

He said... you know I dont know but it would be interesting to find out. On my next visit... he said he had the office manager do a sampling and they found that it was pretty split.... which surprised me but he said its about committment. ANd somepopel have it and some poeple do not. He said his heart ache when he sees someone failing because he knows they just arent putting in the effort... no matter what they tell him unless of course there is a medical reasoning to back it up.

I guess like with anything else... there are those who want and do and those who want to talk about it....and do not want to do

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And no one is going to be perfect 100% of the time; however, there are plenty that I am astounded by just don't care and don't want to put forth any effort and expect the band to do all the work. Sure it does a lot of the work but we have to do our part at least MOST of the time. The crappiest foods are the ones often that are the easiest to go down so we have to make that effort to choose wisely.

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People fail, not their tool is true. My cousin had bypass about 6 years ago and told her doctor it failed. She has wine every day, snacks and has a drink when dining out. She failed. Her mother had bypass well over 25 years ago and gained back everything plus, they did what they wanted, eat, eat and eat more.

​I follow all my instructions. I go almost every month to my support group at the hospital and love them.

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I have only lost 50 lbs in 7 months, but you know what, I lost what I committed to lose. I could have lost more if I would have followed 100%, that doesn't mean my band failed nor me, it is what it is. You get out what you put in. People just don't get that. While I am not 100% perfect band patient I take full resposibility for that.

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