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All things that are normal and not normal after surgery

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These questions come up very frequently and they are all normal things that occur after weight loss surgery.


Hair loss: Normal! There is really not many products that really work. It will end eventually. If you are having excessive hair loss then consult your doctor.


Constipation: Constipation is normal when you are on a high protein diet. Again if you are having extreme issues and a little stool softener is not helping consult your doctor.


Weight loss stalling: Normal! No diet in the world will not come with weight loss stalls. You just have to bear with it.


Pain after surgery: Now I am not being rude but who has ever had surgery and not had any pain? I haven't. The severity depends on your ability to deal with pain. Some can and some can't.


Gas: Normal. Any abdominal surgery you will have gas because your belly is filled with gas during surgery so they can see what they are doing. How long it stays is also indvidual. No one can tell you how long it is going to last.


Diarrhea: Normal! Liquids in liquids out.


No restriction: Normal! People get restriction confused as anything. Its not about keeping you from eating food its about keeping you satisfied for 3 to 4 hours or longer on small amounts of food. Until you reach your green zone you have to do some or not all of the work. Yeah it sucks but its the truth.


Did I hurt my band: Probably not but if you continue to eat large amounts of food, drink and puke, get food constantly stuck because you are eating the wrong things then yes eventually you will hurt your band by causing erosion. Then your band will come out.


Port Pain: Normal. The port area can hurt up to three months.


Not normal things:


Chest pain: this should never be posted in the forum unless you really are seeking attention. Go to the emergency room then tell us how you are doing. The time you spent posting in the forum you could have been on your way to the hospital.



Leg Pain: Not normal. Could be a blood clot. Again do not post this in the forum go to the emergency room you could have a stroke in the time you posted this.


Constant Vomiting: Not normal. Something is wrong and again call your doctor and or go to the emergency room. Throwing up with the band can cause slippage.


Any kind of pain that you did not have post surgery is not normal.


Constant heart burn: Not normal


Not being able to keep any food or fluids down: Not normal. Seek medical attention.



If you are having medical issues then call your doctor. Care enough about yourself to do that. We are not medical professionals to give you medical advice. Your surgeons are on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week if you are having medical issues. They are getting paid to take your call. Call them, they don't mind after all that is why they chose to be a surgeon and knew what came with the job when they took it. Why fear calling them and distubing them. To this day I still have my surgeons cell phone number and can call him day or night and he will always answer any questions I have if I am having an issue.

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