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Has been so long since I have been on here so first I want to say sorry for my delay in updating, but as a very wise 9 year old told me "life gets in the way of living"! Tomorrow will be 18 months since I had my band done. My life has totally changed, not just with the drastic weight loss but in all corners of my life. I lost 110 lbs and I am struggling with my last 10 pounds. I am doing so much now, most of it is only stuff I dreamed I would do since I knew that physically with the weight I could not do any of it. My health has drastically changed for the better which was my main reason for doing the band.


I will share with you that so much of this journey is mental, and once you realize that, own it , and vow to stop thinking like you did before, only then can the weight come off and STAY off. My surgeon says I am his poster child for band surgery! I had minor surgery for a different matter and when the nurse heard I have a lap band she said hundreds of patients get it yet she does not see good results with it, so she asked me why I had so much "luck" with it? I told her luck had nothing to do with it, it was determination and listening to my Dr and choosing to live a better quality of life.


So for all of you that are thinking of doing this, just remember this is not magic, this is hard work and dedication to change. Remember what Einstein said "the sure sign of a crazy person is doing the same thing and expecting a different outcome".


Good Heath


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I love hearing stories like yours. Thank you for sharing it. At my last fill 2 weeks ago I thought my weight loss was small and my doctor thought it was great.

​Have a super holiday season.

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