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Right Here, Right Now.......

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I think all of us tend to look way down the road. Oh, how long will it take me to get to 100lbs lost, when will I be skinny, ect. Sometimes these thought hender us from reaching our goals. The job just seems to big to conquer. Instead we should set smaller goals for ourselves and celebrate each one, then when we reach the big one it won't feel like it's taken so long.


When I first had surgery, my first goal was to be below 220 (started at 244), then it was 210, now the next one is 200. My goal had been to reach 199 by Thanksgiving. This morning I weighed in at 201.4. So I may not make it quite to goal, but I will get there. All total I would like to be 100 lbs down in one year. But, I know me, if I think oh 100 lbs it will seem like way to much to accomplish, but when I take it in 10 lbs blocks it seem easier.


The last few weeks I have been sitting at a plateau, my weight bouncing between 202.8 and 201.8, today I saw 201.4, so hopefully the downward trend will continue. This frustrated me so much that I wouldn't make my first goal. My thought was here we go, the begining of my utter failure (yes I can be dramatic at times- I am a chick- sue me). My hubs had to get stern with me and tell me to get over it. I have been doing great and I just need to stick to the plan like always and in time the weight would start moving down again. He keeps reminding me that I only start to fail when I admit failure.


So today, I will not admit to failure. I am still trucking along and will continue. I will get through Thanksgiving and not feel like a stuffed turkey and I will enjoy the bites that I do have. I will continue to lose weight, at my bodies pace.

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Excellent post and glad you are at peace with yourself. It is a great reminder to set realistic goals and focus on today so it seems doable and not overwhelming. Every mini goal will get us to the final goal line and keep us sane in the process.

I hope others that may be struggling can learn from this as well. I, personally, get excited every time the scale goes down to the next 10 digit series of #s.

Happy Thanksgiving to you!

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​I am also obsessed with the scale. I get on too much, like 3-6 times a day. Awful. I have been between 207 and 211 for about 6 weeks. I hate it. I would love to see 199 by January 1st. Everyone goes at different paces.

Have a wonderful holiday.

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you wont admit to something that isnt happened. (failure)

you are a mucho success

look at where you are now

now look at where you started

to me that is success

i would kill to be the weight you are right now

yes, i couldnt hurt a bug but id pop a balloon for it..

you do what you can with what you have today, at this moment

its all we can do

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