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Do Grammar & Spelling Matter?



I read a post today that irked me, no it pissed me off. This Texas gal was ready to put her boots on and find her gun….. Hunt her some grammar and spelling police.


A fellow bandster said they read a thread where bandsters were criticizing the grammar and spelling of other bandster’s posts. It hurt this bandster so bad that she had steered away from LBT. REALLY…….why?????


Does it matter if we don’t use complete sentences or if we spell words wrong?????? Those of you who have a problem with bad grammar and spelling please comment and tell me why it’s so important to you. Cause (oh wait I should say because) I don’t get it.


We are all fighting a terrible disease called obesity and one of the side effects of this disease is low self-esteem. We don’t need our brothers & sisters pointing out more of our faults….. We do just fine doing that ourselves.


You are wondering why this bothers me….. So many times I hit that POST button and watch my written words appear on a thread and think SH** I spelt that wrong or that doesn’t make any sense hope they get my point. We are here for support in our weight loss journey. We consist of all different people, different education levels, different languages, different everything and we need support.


What we don’t need is the grammar and spelling police after us!


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This is what I posted on a thread about this today.

No one cares if someone can't spell well or makes a lot of errors.

However, when I read a post that honestly looks like it was written in secret code by a drunk 3rd grader and makes zero sense because it's written *that* badly, I totally ignore it. If I need a secret decoder ring just to make sense of it, I won't deal with it.

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People that criticize others for stupid crap like spelling and grammar on a forum like this just need to get a life, period. A lot of these people use their phone and you know all of the messed up messages that come across because your "smart" phone used its own word.

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Thank you I have dylexica and speelling and grammer have always been a problem for me. I been made fun of for it even on here for my whole life. I belive that was one of the reson i was fat was i would eat away my feeling of feeling baddly when pepole made fun of me

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Hey guys!! Well I agree it doe snot matter as long as we are able to understand what what they meant to say. I have not been diagnosed with Dyslexia but I suspect i might be I don't know if you can be "just a little" when I type I change th eletters sometimes or I read something and it does not make sense until I read it again because I read it wrong I got it confuse with another letter and I'm able to read backwards most of the time. I try my best to spell things correctly but if i'm on a rush forget it I can't. English snot my frst language but I do speak English but from time to time theres words I don't understand. It's part of learning. If you seesomeone that totally m,esses up correct them but don't be mean about it.

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Pompous bullies on this site?? Hmm, if you're so damn perfect and want to judge and control people, why not judge yourself, control your weight, and you wouldn't need to lower yourself with the likes of us?

Oh man, wicked sorry, but bullies at any age, bring out my Boston temperment.

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Thank you AJ. Please don't ever leave us b/c of what others do.

Yes, I was corrected accepting and not excepting. I knew It didn't look right,but I thought what the heck.

Some people have such low self esteem problems that they try to make themselves look better and in the long run, they make themselves look like pompous asses. That's their problem!

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