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It is in our human nature to compare one thing to the other. We do it from the time we are kids- remember with siblings- he got more than me thing. We start compairing early.


By the time we reach school age we are compairing clothes, looks, ect with our classmates. And you always hear he's/she's not as cute as xyz. Then we begin compairing ourselves to others- her hair is prettier than mine, she has more friends than me, she has nicer clothes, ect. Our self esteems are molded some what by these compairsons.


I know for certian mine were. I have always felt like the ugly duckling. I have been large since 5 years old. In school I was picked on and it got worse in middle school. I hated being fat, but all that hate just drove me to the nearest donut, which intern made me fater.


Now that I am taking control of my life and have had lapband and am losing weight, the compairsons do not end. Chances are all of us have compared our self to another member of this forum- either boy I am glad I am not them they aren't losing much weight- or - it's not fair she is losing more weight than me. It's just in our nature.


I have compared myself to others several times and gotten down and out. Some people are really rocking it.


I talked to my nutritionist about this and she had some great throughts.

1- Body weight percentage has to been taken into account- those with more to lose will lose quicker.

2- Life style - some people have jobs that are more active than others and we can't control that- most of us need to work and have to do what we do. Some people can't due to health reason work out where others can.

3- Muscle mass- some people scale wise appear to not be losing, but are losing fat because they are working out and building muscle that weighes more than fat- this is a great thing because the more muscle you have the more fat your burn.

4- responsiblity- it is sometimes our own fault when we aren't losing- we CHOOSE to eat high calorie foods that just slide down, we CHOOSE not to be active, we CHOOSE not to follow doctors orders


This conversation with my nutritionist made me feel better. She said that when I compair myself to another person I need to look at these things. If I am doing everything I am suppose to do then I have no need to belittle myself. The bottom line is at the end of each month the scale trend in going down, therefore I am successful for me!


I hope that I can stop compairing myself to others, but if I happen to I will take these things into account before I let the bad thoughts drive me to a mouth full of krispy creme.

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Great post!

I do the comparison thing too, when I read that someone has lost 50+lbs. in 3-4 months I think "what??? why not me??" then I look at the amount of weight they started with and it never fails, it's more than where I was pre-op.

Thanks for sharing, we all need those little reminders.

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Great- great post. I love when people are able to be honest about things they are still trying to overcome even after they have a band. As I stated in my status update- having a band does not and it will not fix all of your proglems. Years of hurt and pain from being over weight does not go away overnight. For some of us (me)it will take a life time. Please learn to be loving and kind to yourself, because you deserve it. A pound lost is always better than one gained. I have compared myself my entire life, and honestly "I still do"! I pray daily and I ask God to allow me to be content with the things he's given to me. I have learned that life hurts enable me to appreciate any amount of success no matter how big or small. You are doing a great job and be proud of that. Again- great post!

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