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Moderation Isn't For Me!



I was having lunch with another individual, who is currently having succes with changing the way she eats and exercise, and she was enjoying a slice of cheesecake and she says "everything in moderation". Now, she is not aware that I'm in the process of getting WLS, but I did respond to her by saying " maybe for you but not me", which led to a heated debate.

I have a serious pet peeve. I hate, yes, I said hate, when someone tries to tell me what I'm able to do or not do. You can make assumptions, but we all know what happens when you ASS U ME! I don't do MODERATION! If I was capable of moderation, I wouldn't be more than 100 lbs overweight. I've heard the comments, opinions over the years, even I have fallen for it, "You have to have" or " you need to have", " a little can't hurt". Food is my addiction...no,that's not right, chocolate, baked goods, fast foods, etc are my addiction and it's killing me... Why should I have these things in moderation? ..... Let me put it this way... Someone suffering from alcoholism, his/hers addiction of choice is wine, would you say to her/him " a little wine in moderation?".... I'm betting you will think that person was cruel, well that's what's it's like for me.

I don't do a slice of cheesecake, I eat the WHOLE cheesecake. I don't eat scoop of ice cream, I eat the WHOLE container. I don't do the combo meal, I do the combo meal with starter, supersize and dessert. Now do you get it!..... Silence.... Just have some control, willpower, you need food to live!.... ** Sigh** ... Yes, I need food to live, but do I need that time of food? .....nope....So you are going to cut out all that food for the rest of your life....gasp....yeah, it's not going to be easy and I will have some idiot,I mean well meaning individual, who will try to encourage me to "try" something....but I will have to refuse, why? The day I get over my addiction, it will be a struggle to maintain because unlike cigarettes, alcohol, drugs, people feel that it can't hurt you in moderation, so it's offered and offered, and feelings get hurt when you refuse, but I'm just one of those people where moderation does not work.

Side note, I smoked cigarettes for 10 years, 2 packs a day and was a solid chain smoker. When I was given the ultimatum by partner to quit or he goes, I couldn't do it alone. I failed cold turkey, I failed the nicotine patch... What worked is a pill called Champix( in French)... I took it for 2 weeks out of the 12 weeks and I never look back. I've been a non-smoker going into 5 years. Some people can do it on their own, I need help.Words have power, I'm currently changing the way I eat for my goal is to eliminate those foods from my diet. I'm aware of the journey ahead of me. I'm aware that the lap band will not eliminate my demons. I'm aware that I will be seeing someone about my addictions and I'm aware that most society will see my use of " food addiction" an "insult" to "real" addictions but I couldn't given a rats @$&?, because moderation will kill me.


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I couldn't have said it better myself. I believe food addiction is real, and the only way to control it is to avoid it. One taste or nibble sends me over the edge. I give a rats @$&? and struggle with every temptation. Here's to us controlling our demons.

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Learning the psychology behind the reasons for your loss of control with food will be helpful and add to the success of your weight loss journey. Your journey will present challenges every day...and emotionally if you are strong enough to meet them it will enhance your success with weight loss.

Best wishes as you begin your journey...

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Thx Sojourner, I'm not sure if you are agreeing with me or not;) but even when I conquer ( notice, I say when), I still say that some foods will be like a trigger in my situation, so it's best to eliminate them. For me it's like smoking, if I ever pick up another cigarette, I will not stop, so I avoid them and people who smoke, like the plague. I'm not saying I'm going to stop ALL foods, just the ones that I've seem to loss my mind and in the end, most are empty calories, more for pleasure than nourishment. Wishing us all successful weight loss and maintenance.

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food is/was and proably will allways be my drug of choice

forget the vidoden and give me a steak and some mashed potatoes

i have said many times it's like being a drug addact but saying you need some drugs to live

i wish we just take a pill (like on the jetsons--am i dating myself?)

and not have to shop/prepar/cook/clean up while all the time wanting to like the plates clean

the band has helped a lot ...i know if i lick the plate or drink the gravy i will be sick

good luck....it gets better ....not easy but better

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I agree. From one addiction to another for me too... I cannot just have a little bit. "in moderation" as you stated. If I have that food in the house, it might take me a few days to eat it, but I know I will. I justify it by saying that I might as well eat it all now, b/c I will do it eventually anyway, get it out of the way! If I could do moderation, I dont think I would be in the situation I am now.

This theory might work for some, but not for me.

Thanks for this post, brings things into perspective for me

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I understand your struggle because I too struggle with losing weight. Check this: I'm post 1 year out of lapband surgery and I have lost 35 pounds--but I've hit a snag. I blame myself for this, but I did not stay continuous with my eating and exercising. I started back doing the exercising and eating right, keeping the food journals, etc. Now I'm back on track. Now, I'm not going to lie, I may have a few naughty things at the end of the week. But, as long as I stay motivated by exercising and doing the things I need to do and don't go overboard, I will continue to see results. I am a binge eater. That's why I have the band. Someone mention earlier about the psychology of why we overeat and getting to the bottom of the deeper issue. My issue has always been insecurity and shyness. I hope I'm not being long winded but the bottom line is I have issues. Some of us have issues. It's probably the same issues that follow people who do drugs and alcohol. I was a chain smoker and a binge drinker. Hell, quitting (praying) those two things is a something else. And you have to applaud yourself for that. Take in all the victories. I'm in college and I'm taking a class in Addiction. I should have earlier, but, better now than later. Off the dais!

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I saw a news program that did a brain scan on people and how sugar effected some people and how it showed up in others... There are those of us out there that when we get a dose of sugar it acts like drugs to a heroin addict! People who don't have an addiction can never understand sweetie. Just like you can sympathize with a person who is addicted to alcohol, but you don't know their struggle unless you've been there. You do what is right for YOU!!! I am a firm believer in "Know your limitations!"

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Dont get worked up over other peoples ignorance. Its a complicated world we live in. Every situation is diff. Thats why its so hard for people to understand. Bodies are different, minds are different . And it goes on.. and like lucie said " know your limitations." ..

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