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The Retraining Of A Southern Girl

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I am 100% born and bread southern girl. I even grew up on a farm. Being from a small community and a small baptist church food is everything. I mean seriously, being southern and southern baptist = we eat for every reason. The southern way is when someone dies you take food, when someone has a baby you take food, we someone has a birthday you have a party with lots of food. The old saying about baptist and fried chicken are not far from the truth. Our church go together all the time for means, homecoming, revivial, bible school, weddings, funerals, heck we had Wed night dinners at church.


At home each summer my mom, grandmother and I would work in the garden. At 31 years old I can freeze or can any veggie and make my own home made pickle. There is no fruit I can't make a cobbler with. In the summer each weekend we would make some kind of sweet treat for whom ever may drop by for a visit on Sunday afternoon. Yes, people still lived like this in the last 30 years. I am totally not complaining I had an awesome childhood. I knew how to cook by the time I was 13 and was cooking a full meal for the family at least once a week at that age. I still make my own pickle each summer, I hate store bought and I freeze fresh corn and can string beans and tomatos. I know I am odd, but I am me.


All this life revolving about food got me to nearly 250 lbs. Since I was 5 years old my weight has fluctuated up and down. In 9th grade I was already in a size 20. My senior year of high school I lost weight and got down to a size 16, but that was after an accident when lead to months of pain and physical theraphy. I manage to keep the weight off through college, but once I was out I gained that plus some. When I married I wanted to be the little ms suzy homemaker, so I would cook enough for an army because that was what I was use to, but it was just me and my husband. To keep the food and sweets from being thrown away we would eat it, so both mine and my hubs weight went up.


Now at 31 years old, I have decided to change. I have had to change my way of thinking. First off I have become the odd one who instead of bringing food to a greiving family I bring paper plates, and napkins or stamps. Since the family send thank you notes the stamps keep them from having to buy them. I have learned when hosting a party one sweet something the rest healthy ( think fruit plate and veggie plate). Instead of drinking the house wine of the south (SWEET tea) I drink water. Instead of frying everything, I grill, bake, broil and steam.


This has not and continues not being an easy transition, but it is happening and it is rewarding. Since I began this journey back in April, my husband's eating habits have changes and exercise habits have changed. He is eating better and working out more. My parents even though they are not here with us I talk to them a lot and they are trying my new healthy recipes and I have gotten my dibetic dad to change from gaterade to propel. So my trying to change me for the better are changing the ones I love. So it is worth it.


I told my husband once that nothing worth having ever came easy and this is no different. So instead of dreading each change I look forward to the challenge and will meet it head on with the help of my family. I am still a southern belle, but I won't continue all the southern traditions.

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I don't think you are odd...I believe you had an exceptionally positive family and upbringing.

I agree that so much emphasis on food in life events does tend to make it central to one's thoughts. You are now aware of this, and are successfully striving to make positive and healthy changes...

That's a recipe for a successful weight loss journey...best wishes...

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I was brought up in a Jewish household and food was everything also. When the EMT's came when my father died, my mother was feeding them. She had a large freezer with everything homemade and the best baked goods. Now that she is 94 and in a nursing home no one makes her homemade goodies anymore. That is great for weight loss people and sad because it's the end of her sweets. Good luck with keeping the weight off. I was banded 3 weeks ago tomorrow. I miss chewing food. I see the doctor and dietitian Thursday.

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You can remake your southern recipies and change. Today I made some fresh greens, no bacan, no fat, I used a teaspoon of olive oil, added garlic, protobella mushrooms, a few shredded carrotts and some purple cabbage with fresh rosemary and garlic. I sent some of these to a true southern neighbor for dinner with a couple slices of pork loin roast and roasted potatos and he thought they were awesome. i had to laugh, they were cooked so healthy. This is a life style change but you can do it, I have changed how I think about food and now find it fun to remake recipes using healthy ingredients. Goodluck to you!

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Can I come live with you? I want to can veggies and I love home canned pickles.. I live in Houston and here in the concrete jungle there is no where to grow a garden and if you do have space for a garden the sun will blister and bake it on the vine. So.. if you let me come live with you I will hand wash and dry all of the mason jars! I promise! hehe! I miss the sound of lids plinking in the summer!

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Lucie- I only have a .25 acre lot in the city, so I go to the farmers market and buy my veggies. Some of the veggies my parents grow (they live an hour and a half away in the country) I will go up and get them on weekends to work on.

Most of my friends think I am crazy to work so hard over it. Even my husband though that to start with, but then he tasted the fresh garden stuff and he changed his mind.

I know what you mean about the plinking of the can lids :) Brings back memories of Grandma's house every time I hear it.

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