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Sleep Study Done... And The Waiting Begins...



Per the surgeon I had my sleep study last night to see if I have apnea... I already have my comorbidity but this will rubber stamp it with the insurance just in case and apparently needs to be treated prior to surgery anyway. The study wasn't nearly as bad as I expected... I didn't sleep much the night before so I was asleep about 15 minutes after I hit the bed but I woke up about 4 times that I'm aware of and apparently a bunch more times that I was unaware of according to the tech. She said my REM was extremely brief because I kept waking up and going right back to sleep. I'm waiting on my official results but from everything I've read today, it looks like I probably do have apnea. Ah well... one more thing to add to the list :rolleyes: .


I meet with my surgeon again on the 6th to see where we go from here... and I have my first of 3 nutrition classes tomorrow evening. I'm still shooting for being banded in October unless told otherwise on the 6th. That will give me enough time to recover and be some form of "normal" before my kids' birthdays in late December/early January when I have to be in full blown super mom mode. Speaking of kids... I just want to say how awesome my girls are... My oldest daughter (she's 11) and I have talked a lot about this surgery and I'm glad to have her and her sister. I know that when I'm recovering she'll be my biggest helper and if I'm struggling with choices she'll be my biggest promoter.


On the asthma front things are still rough but I'm figuring as long as I go to sleep and wake up it's still an ok day I guess. This whole thing is really frustrating because most asthma is not like this so I feel like no one understands... The Prednisone that they put me on has helped some but is making me a complete :wacko: and a :angry: and my husband doesn't quite understand. The result is we're barely talking and right now I need him most. It hurts because I'm going through so much and I feel so alone. I feel like 2012 was supposed to finally be my year after having too many bad ones and it's all falling apart at once...


Back to the regular doc tonight to discuss my asthma again... I've got some ideas that I want to try on the meds since I've made some improvement but I'm still having several bad attacks a week. We'll see what she says... If what I'm thinking works, I'll start to feel a whole lot better and will not be adding any meds - just swapping two for two different ones and maybe even cutting one of my copays.


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