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What else needs to be said? Cancer affects everyone and it is not prejudice. It will go after whoever it wants and whenever it wants. It doesn't matter who you are, what color you are, what religion you are. It does not care if you are an infant or an 80 year old senior. It will take you. Stating the obvious? I suppose.....


Three years ago my Father was diagnosed with lung cancer. While he was preparing for lung surgery they performed a full body diagnoses and found he had bladder and prostate cancer. October 2009 he had his lower lobe of the left lung removed. He then did 12 weeks of chemo. He needed the chemo for the lung and they hoped it would shrink the tumors on the bladder but it did not.


August 2010 (on his birthday actually) he under went major surgery and had his bladder removed. He came through the surgery fine but recovery was long and tough. Because of heart disease (heart attack, triple bypass in 2004) they kept him sedated for 5 days and slowly brought him out of it. Pain meds they given him had a done a number on him. He had awful nightmares of war.


Six months ago my father was pronounced cancer free...then within the next 3 weeks he developed a cough a bad nasty cough and no one could tell him what it was. He started coughing up blood and then they found the cancer had returned but this time in the top stem of the left lung and also in the lymph node. He is currently undergoing testing to see if the right lung can sustain him with or without oxygen full time. He is on the fence about surgery and the testing they are doing will be his deciding factor. Either way he is facing another 12 weeks of chemo with or without surgery.


In the last 8 years my father has endured a heart attack, triple bypass and his 3rd bout with cancer is about to get under way. He is a fighter and I can only hope when I encounter such adversity that I can attack it with same tenacity.


I haven't been around much and I have only managed to drop a pound but hey its better then nothing and right now it's not about me....


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Several years ago, I lost my granny to colon cancer and my father-in-law to nonhodgkins lymphoma so I have an idea what you must be going through. Try to stay strong through this difficult time.

Also, have you contacted your local American Cancer Society Relay for Life. They are a wealth of information about the desease and can give you ideas on how to cope with the situation. They even have whats called a "Road to Recovery" program where they find drivers to take patients to their appointments. I just can't say enough about the programs they offer for not only you but also your Dad.

I'm on the board so if you have any questions feel free to ask and best wishes to your Dad and yourself.

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Jim your story is all too familiar to me. My mother-in-law was diagnosed with Lung Cancer, and when they found it, it was Stage 4 and already metastisized to her bones (spine). They found it incidentally on an xray of her back. She had tumors in all 5 lobes so they couldn't operate. After about 6 months they found a brain tumor, and she had surgery on that. She lived for 3 1/2 years at Stage 4. Did every type of chemo she possibly could, countless weeks of radiation. Right before starting our "last option" for chemo, they found she was in liver failure and therefore couldn't start chemo.

It was a long, painful journey for everyone involved. Cancer just doesn't touch the patient, it touches whole families. She passed away in 2008 and there isn't a day that goes by we don't think of her. It's such an awful, awful disease and it really does take no prisoners.

We've done Relay for Life for the past two years, hoping to raise enough money country-wide to find a cure. One day, I know they'll find a cure but until then people have to keep fighting and praying!

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Jim I think we all have or have had a loved one who has had to deal with that ugly word cancer....Its never easy and it sure sounds like your dad has had his share....my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family...

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Hey Jim,

Sorry to hear about your Father! I lost my Dad Dec 22nd 2005 from a Cardiac Arrest, it was sudden and unexpected. He had previous mild heart attacks and had a stint put in about a year prior. My Mom was diagnosed with Colon Cancer Sept 07 and we lost her Jan 09 with multiple complications along the way, they were not able to due chemo or radiation. All the scenarios suck basically but there are many of us here that have felt similar pain to what you are going through. I try to know tell anyone I know what they are feeling because we all have different emotions and feelings. Hugs to you and sending thoughts to your whole family! Susan

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BTW.. dropping that 1 pound is still amazing! Even if you were to keep stable at this time. I say just tread water at times because you do what you need to do! Just keep hydrated!

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Jim, I know a lot is going on right now with your Dad's health, I am sure he wants you to be strong and successful as well. Don't give up stay strong for the both of you! Be safe!

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