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My First Visit & Other Goings On



blogs/blog-0499586001341980455.jpgWell, I'm posting again so I guess that means I survived, right? I managed to weigh in at 181.9 which put me at a BMI of 35.5... apparently I have to maintain this weight though because my surgeon says that Cigna is going to go by the weight that I am when the paperwork is submitted so my current motto is to "gain or maintain". Yep, I'm off my rocker but when you're 30 and your prescription drug list reads like an essay what do you do? :blink:


Next big hurdle is waiting to hear from the patient coordinator who is contacting the insurance to see if any of my comorbidities qualify me with my BMI and I'm having a sleep study on July 23rd as a back up plan (apparently I have 4 of the 6 main symptoms of sleep apnea)... I think it's quite funny that at 30 (yes I keep harping on my age because I'm too young to be this d@mn sick) I have hypothyroidism, metabolic syndrome, severe asthma, anemia, GERD, osteoarthrosis (aka degenerative joint disease), migraines, ADD (which was brought about my the migraine preventive), and a newly developed heart murmur (am I sure it's new - yep b/c when I was in the Navy it wasn't there); yet, the combination of all of these conditions - nearly all of which will be remedied or at least greatly improved by this surgery may not be significant enough but sleep apnea which is the least of my worries will be enough. I'm now even more convinced that the decision makers at the insurance companies are on some really good drugs :D .


The doctor said that if we don't hit any snags with the insurance, I'm good to go for surgery in October... otherwise, I don't know what I do... Perhaps I'll just gain another 25 pounds because in the scheme of things I'd rather rejump the 200 line for a few months than keep starting my day with 7 pills, an inhalor, and a nasal spray, and ending it with 8 pills and an inhalor :wacko: and wondering when I'll go from prediabetic to full blown diabetic so that I can add more pills...


In other news - my asthma hates me... I've been in some ongoing verson of a mild asthma attack since yesterday afternoon and nothing is making it stop. I went to the ER last night to only decide to leave after spending entirely too much time in the waiting room (apparently difficulty breathing is no longer a priority - who knew you didn't need to breath anymore? :rolleyes: ). I hate the ER and pretty much any other medical facility and/or doctor who thinks that you have to be wheezing to be having an asthma attack... NEWSFLASH!!! NOT ALL ASTHMATICS WHEEZE ALL THE TIME! SOME NEVER EVER EVER WHEEZE! I'm convinced that's why these morons marked me as "ok" - I have two types of asthma and my most prevalent type involves tons of coughing when I have an attack and no wheezing. Nonetheless, I've had this overall breathless feeling off and on since... sometimes I'm ok and then othertimes I feel like I have to make a concious effort to breathe or I don't get enough air (If there was a blue smiley I'd insert him here, but since there's not use your imagination). I'm supposed to see some new PA at my doctor's office tomorrow afternoon - I'm calling in the morning though to see if my doc can squeeze me in because I wan't someone familiar with my health history and if this chic tells me I'm fine because I'm not wheezing, I may just break both of her legs :angry: .

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I completely understand your asthma issue. My daughter was finally diagnosed with asthma after 2 years of constant illness. She just has a hard dry cough. The 3 times she has actually wheezed, she has ended up in the hospital for weeks at a time. My son is the same way. It is a challenge dealing with people who do not know these issues. Hope you feel better soon.

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