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From: Will I Be Able To Do Seaworld, For 2-3 Hours, 1 Day Post-Op?



While I normally bounce back from everything, I am not sure about purchasing SeaWorld ticket in advance . I have 4 hours from the time I leave hospital until I can check into my room in SanDiego 1st day post-op. I really want to take the mission bay sky-lift ride, and see the dolphins & sharks. I think I can do these 3 things and be alright. They aren't physically demanding, but the walking will be quite alot. But I'm think I'll need to walk,and that it would be away to ensure I do some walking that day. I'm afraid if I went back to the room immediately I might just lay down and sleep. I think I'll just wait and see...But I have to have something to do for 3 hours so I might as well do Sea World...What do you all think?



Source: Will I Be Able To Do Seaworld, For 2-3 Hours, 1 Day Post-Op?


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So are you saying that you have 4 hours until you have surgery that you want to go to Sea World? If thats the case I would say go and enjoy but make sure you leave enough time to check in and do pro-op procedures. Now if you want to go after you have the surgery I would not recommend it. I had my surgery at 2:00 in the afternoon and was up in my room around 4:00. I was wide awake but uncomfortable. I certainly did not feel like walking around that day. The next day I got up and walked around the hospital, showered and dressed. by the time my husband and I flew home I was exhausted and went straight to bed. I finally felt really good after a week and could do everything I normally did before the surgery. I struggled with my eating for about a week until I could put together a journal of what would go down what wouldn't. Scrambled eggs are horrible for me, so is rice and any type of pasta. So I pass on them completely. Please make sure you stay away from any type of bread. Man when that stuff gets stuck you are hurting until it passes. Its been 10 years since my lap band and I've been at the point for quite a few years that I no longer get fills and my weight has stayed steady for the past 6 years. I do exercise every day though!!

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........gohs, if you are able to do this, more power to you and let me bow at your feet... but i would not have been able too. was groogy, tired, thirsty and in some pain (not alot but my belly def sore). if you do, go slow and be careful. ps, i love sea world too :)

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I'm planning on doing sea world the day after surgery, not the day of surgery... I will be taking it very easy. But I have 4 hours after I leave the hosp.(the day after surgery) before I can get into my room. So I have to be somewhere for that four hours, why not seaworld?

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There is no way I could have done that. I was way too sore and enjoyed resting in my cool quiet bed. It takes awhile for the anesthesia to leave your body and they gas up your stomach so they can properly place the band so most people feel swollen and groggy for at least a day or two. I love SeaWorld too, better to use your money on a day you can really enjoy it. Best wishes to you.

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I may see if there's anyway I can check in early without paying out the yingyang at the Hampton Inn in San Diego...

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oh, one day post op. I had a lot of left upper shoulder pain. I could move around my house okay. I don't usually take pain meds but I did take the Lortab elixir several times for 2-3 days following my band. I was banded at 6am and home by 11am. The next day I was pooped!

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I thought I would get someone to say I would be okay to do this but I guess the odds are against this being a good thing to plan on. Thanks for your responses...I really want to go to seaworld haha. I'm obsessed with sharks, dolphins, & killer whales...think i'll try to get into room early then if I do happen to feel like it i'll go ahead and go to seaworld...

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well, found out I can probably get in my room before 4pm as long as they have one ready. No extra charge. I'm so excited about this and i'm trying to get everything in perfect order so that I'm not down there stuck somewhere miserable... I appreciate your input very much...

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