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Just One Of The Guys....shoot Me



I can't wait for the day when the guys that I work with stop seeing me as "just one of the guys" and sees me as a girl. Fridays, in the shipyard, are normally known as "Fat Fridays" where someone brings in something special to eat. Today it was scones... so yummy.And as I was walking towards the box to get on, one of my idiot co-workers said, "Whoa now! Don't knock me over trying to get one!" I pretty much wanted to put the scone back. Awesome a** hole, that's just what I wanted to hear in the morning, that you think I want the scone bad enough to knock you over to get to the box that is filled with them, Of course my whole crew laughed, as did I (because isn't that what we do? conform into the funny fat friend?) I laughed it off and went on my way, but it hurts, Why would you say that to an overweight girl? This happens a lot to me with where I work, we become so much like family that sometimes the morons that I work with think it's ok to say hurtful things... I'm a lady god damn it! Treat me as such. LoL.


Well I hope everyone has a great weekend, I'm going to try. I don't get to work overtime to put money in the bank because I have to go to my friend's son's 1st birthday party. What do you do at a one year old's birthday party? Especially since I don't have a kid to bring to it? I just don't get it... I feel like all we are really celebrating is that my friend didn't kill her kid in the first year. It's not like her child is going to understand what is going on. I mean, don't get me wrong, I love that baby with everything that I have, but still... I feel like if he can't say birfday... I shouldn't have to attend. ( I really hope this mentality goes away before I have a kid of my own). I just feel like it is like celebrating a kid "graduating" from the 6th grade... "Congratulations! You did what is expected of every other kid in America! Now on to another grade for you." I guess I was just brought up differently, My high school graduation present was luggage... so that I could move out. My friend got a car. I had a 3.9 GPA and she barely passed.... I just don't understand people sometimes. My kid is going to get a high five and a microwave. And the same speech (with a slight variation), "Congratulations! You did what is expected of every other kid in America! Now get out of my house you bum." <------I've rambled.


Have a great Friday night folks!




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I COMPLETELY get being "one of the guys"! I have always gotten along better than men vs women. All of my close friends are males. My husband took a while to get used to it, but since he was friends with them too he didn't stay jealous for too long. The way men carry on...as amazing as it can be sometimes, can get highly inappropriate with a lady in the room. I've reminded them MANY times that I am a girl, and although I don't have virgin ears and talk like a sailor myself sometimes, at least consider that I'm a girl!! I love these guys to the end of the world, but geesh, boys can be grose!

Watch though, I bet they will treat you differently as you progress on your weight loss journey. My friend told me the other day that I was looking really good, and I think it was as uncomfortable for me to hear as it was for him to say, but the thought was nice!

By the way - I love your blogs!

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I would think if you would change the way you talk that might help them see you more in the role of a lady. A lot of people take offense to language like that. God is someone I love and it is so hard to hear someone take his name in vain.

Sorry I know this will not make most people happy but sometimes you have to stand up for what you believe. I do not mean to hurt your feelings, I agree guys can be jerks, but what you say sometimes makes more of impression than how you look or what you do. I hope you take this in the way I am saying it and not as mean spirited, the written word can be read in many ways!


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I apologize for offending you, that was actually a joke, because ladies don't talk like that, hense the funny. I'm sorry non the less.

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Sorry if I offend you too. That just stuck in my mind and wouldn't leave me alone till I said something. I hate that we get treated badly by some men and in your case where you are sourrounded by men. I think that guy said that to put focus on you and off of him . . .sounds like his problem. Hang in there!!


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I also have worked with more men that women and honestly prefer it that way. They do not always think, and sometimes you have to roll with the punches! When we are carrying extra weight and rude things are said most of the time we do not tell them how we really feel.

I have found that if something is said even in joking, call them on it. It doesn't have to be rude, but in many cases it is the Pot calling the kettle black!

Many of the times it is the ones that are unsure of themselves that will make comments like that.

If they are single men, I have found that comments back such as:

"so does that line really work with women?

I bet your popular with the ladies?

Date much?

If married:

does your wife THINK your funny?

Do you talk to your wife like that? I am sure not you might walk in with two black eyes.

even a flat out.. knock you down.. I don't think so I am not rude like some people


Weebles wobble but they don't fall down..so you will pop right back up!!

(I have used this with a guy who pretty much said what he said to you..

It might not be the nicest but

I had had enough.. and he NEVER said anything negative again but was very respectful!!!

I do not advocate being mean, or rude but in a workplace , but sometimes you do need to give them a little smart ass back.

In regards to censoring your blog, its your blog... I read them and enjoy them. If someone is offended so be it they can skip over it.

It is obvious from your other posts that you do not talk like you work in a shipyard!! Grin

I am spiritual but nothing you said offends me.

If it bothers someone they can just block and I think your blogs will be blocked along with it.

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