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I am 10 days post op and have had to many scares already. The burning ,ripping sensation,Pressure in my chest, and now my urine is dark really dark like tea, and I still havent had a BM, What should I do I am starting to think what Have I done to my, but yet I am so ready for the journey. Could someone help please.


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hi dianne, id would try watermelon or maylox to help with that....dark urine means your are not drinking enough. you need to drink alot. this will regulate you.

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Hi Dianne, i had those same thoughts, when i began to get hungry only after been banded on the 22nd of May I could eat anything and have no problems with it ,, But I learned that the band is just a tool and that i have to help it work for me.. I pray that everything goes well with you I had a lottttttt of pressure in my chest and that turned out to be nothing but gas, it is going away with time. Take care and we are in this together .....

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Thank you both for your feed back,I am feeling down and today seems worst. Maybe all of it is because not drinking enough I have been trying really hard and I am going to stay on top of it.

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It helps to get a Litter of water and carry it with you all day if you can and drink drink drink its so important to drink all day long!!!!!

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always make sure you have water from the secod you get up till when you go to bed you need to be takeig in fuild getting re hydrated though iv is not fun just make sure you sip sip sip i had the same senstion even though you have it you still need to sip sip sip

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I carry a bottle of water and powerade-zero with me all day... taking sips throughout the day... i have had some pressure in my chest, but it usually goes away if i take a short walk around my building at work... the burning near the port site is not as bad but it itches sometimes... when is your next dr. visit?

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