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I Did It

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My uncle Mal died on Tueday. I was never close with him but i needed to go to his funrnal for my father. After in the Jewish religon we do something call stitting shiva pepole sit and rember the love one snd food is seved and others bring tons and tons and tons of food. This could be a bandest nightmer. the furit basket have stared to come somehow they become less fruit and more choclet and cookies all the stuff i would have gone right for. Then to make the whole thing better my faimly was there. I not great freinds whith very meny of them my 1st coisens are 15 to 20 years older then me and still look at me as the chubby kid in the family who eat becuse she sad, upset. lonely I am the only one who is bigger in the family.i looked around to see what i could eat there it was protine lots of it chicken salda and little tiny roll ups that when you un rolled with out the bred was the perfect size for me and i knew if i sat long enough i could chew it and i had tryed cold cuts at my house and had no problem. My cosin who have no idea what i did said to me why are you on a starvation deit don't you want the cookies cakes ect. I keeped a bottle of watter in my hands during all the cookies and cakes knowing i can not eat and drink at the same time. Finley my mom bulrted out Laura on a helthy kick she had Weight Loss Sugery she even truned down food from me lately. Then led to a bunch of question how long do i plan to do this ect ect. After my fear that i might lose my band on monday night i was not messing it up I need the band I also need those size 16 paints i have now and all those cookies and cakes will only lead to me being bigger and i don't want that. One family member was so taken with me she said she wanted it but did not want to give up things. I told her if your not willing to change your life and your relationship with food and work on this evey day then this would not be the right choice for you. This is only a tool and it will only work if you work the program right not if your going to screw with it

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Laura Mom's can be sooo cruel!

"...so how long you going to stick with it..."

and durring a time of greiving and reflection ouch.

My mom called me today wanting to know if I'd gained back alot fo weight since I can't work out. And I told her no not really i've maintained. She then went on to say taht the weight loss won't stay forever and that I'll gain it back eventually. I told her nope ma I won't gain this back unless something huge happens like they deflate my band cuz I get pregnant, but even then I don't think I'd put back over 100 pounds. Why is it that our mom's can be so awful and cruel to their daugthers when it comes to their weight? I don't get it. they yell at us because we are obesse, then when we do something that will definately treat the obesity they flake out cuz we might get "healthy and thin" for a change.

Keep your head up Lauracat we will get there.


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