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Bunny Is Losing Hare..

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So I total excited because yesturday I got on scale and the number stared with 1...

I was 199.5, I almost cried. Of course this would have been total awesome if I hadn't notice all my hair was falling out the day before. Yes, it happens to banders too. You can lose your hair. I lose so much hair this week, or maybe I just noticed it. So be aware that is can happen and make sure you are getting your protein in and B vitimans. My sister and my friend who both also experienced( about 4- 5 months out) it said it does come back, but it is scary I won't lie to you. Still really happy I'm under 200 for the first time since, I can remember, Think I was under 200, before my first child who will be 10 this next week. so it's been a long time since I seen any number starting with 1.

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I am now 3 months out and my hair is falling out like crazy. Hope I do not lose it all.

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Hair loss happens, call it an unfortunate side effect. It will grow back. Hair is protein, when you are losing large amounts of weight in the beginning or your protein intake is not up to what it should be something will suffer and unfortunately it is your hair. You do not always see this as much with lapband as you do the other WLS procedures but it does happen. I took this for about a year after surgery and started taking at about 6 months and it made a big difference that even my hair dresser noticed. I liked the chewable biotin from GNC. Zinc is another mineral that can help. My best advice is talk to your doctor and ask him for some assistance, on things to try, I strongly believe in keeping in touch with my WLS surgeon he has been a great resource for me and has helped me stay focused.

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thank, i started taking Biotin the day i noticed my hair was thinning. my nutristionist recommended it at our presurgery class, plus my sister told me too. My sister had Bypass in September and she lost a lot of hair about 3-4 months out too. i know the hair will come back. thanks for comments

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Thank God I am not the only one having this problem. I have been losing a large amount of hair and it has really scared me. I was thinking it was because my protein intake wasn't where it should be so I have been working diligently to get in the required protein intake but no one ever told be about take biotin. I take Vitamin C and a multivitamin daily (faithfully). I have an appt with my WLS on 5/30 and will be talking with her about my hair loss and if biotin is the right thing for me to take.

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ok I got more information on hair loss. I think I understand which makes it easier to deal with. It is a condition called telogen effluvium. Google it. Very interesting. Here is the scoop: It is very common after major surgery, pregnacy, weight loss as well. The hair will come back. Your hair gows in cycles. Some hair is always growingl,some is dormant and some is falling out so new hair can take its place. The meds you get for anesthesia, (as well as blood thinners, and beta blocker) to name a few, can cause your hair to change to a dormant stage(telogen stage). This stage of hair cycle is about 100 days can be up to 6 months for some. Anyway, so you have surgery, go under a big stress, you body switch your hair folicle from active growth to chill mode. Normally you only have about 10% of your hair in the telogen stage at one time, now you have switch about 50% to this stage. After the stage is over 100 days later the hair falls out and new hair fills folicle and starts to grow in active stage. So you lose a bunch of hair at once and then it grows back over the next 6 months or so. Ok that what I found out. Hope that helps someone who is as scared as I was this past week. So I'm gonna eat my protein and take vitimans and biotin. Good luck and thaks for comments.

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