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I Need Honest Opinions Please

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Ok, I am five months post op.......at first I was feeling good because my clothes were getting loose.....but when I look at my pics i look the damn same...I never really like taking pics because of how i look, But I said what the hell its been five months ....so I upload a few pics and then looked at the old ones and started feeling bad....that why I hate taking pictures ......



Can you guys look through my small gallery and tell me if you see a diffrence?

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Girl, you need to go get your eyes checked. There is a big difference. Look again. :) Your face and body are smaller. But trust me, I do know how you feel. Cause when I look I think I look the same @ times. But this morning, I could really see I've lost 61 lbs. You doing great.

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Yes you are smaller. If you are tracking your weight/fat loss don't just weigh yourself but take your measurements.

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This is an interesting phenomena I have experienced. I have lost 200 pounds yet when I see pictures of myself in a recent triathlon, I was all upset. To me I still look big, but to everyone else I look skinny and in shape. The irony, I look back and I think that I viewed myself smaller than I really was at my heaviest (and I NEVER wanted pictures taken), and now I view myself as larger than I really am. A lot of changes, and it may take a few years, but your eyes, mind and heart will adjust.

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Allot of people do not see the change in themselves! Take measurements. I didnt and regret it. The scale wont always move but if you are doing everything right, you will be getting more muscle and losing fat! Measurements will show you progress when the scale isnt. I still see myself at 262lbs sometimes. Other times, I see the change. Keep at it! YOu are looking great!

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You do look different and you are losing but I do agree with Rob_SoCal's comments. I have lost 103 lbs and it was not until the last few weeks that I was actually able to see what others were seeing. I know I was heavy, 5' 1' at 252 but I don't think I saw myself as fat as I really was. When I hit 178 last summer I still felt fat and when I would look in the mirror or see pictures of myself I still saw the same person I was at 252lbs, As an example, we have elevators at work and they are mirrored on the outside, I used to stand in from of them and think, man you are still fat. Last week I was standing in front of those same elevators and I looked at my reflection and thought to myself, Who is that? I also finally noticed this week that my knees were no longer as big as they were 2 months ago. I guess my mind finally allowed me to see myself for the first time as a thinner me, I still don't see myself as thin, not sure I ever will but I definitely do not look like I did in 2008. It takes time to feel comfortable in our new bodies, most of us have been heavy a good part of our lives and the words thin were never in our vocabulary. Your looking great and I do suggest you take measurements, because there have been plenty of months I have stayed the same weight but dropped a size due to exercise. Good luck to you.

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