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The 5 Day Pouch Test Intro, Days 1 & 2



Well I put it out there that I had lost 110 pounds, but have recently found over the last 5 months or so that I haven't had any restriction with my Realize Band and found myself up about 30 pounds. I've gone to my doc for fills (I'm up to a WHOPPING 11CCs in my band!) and attended support group meetings and both my doctor and I were stumped.


Then a member of this site sent me the suggestion to try the 5 Day Pouch Test. http://www.5daypouchtest.com


Originally created by a person who had the Gastric Bypass surgery, it's seems to "renew" the sense of restriction we all felt from the beginning of our journey with the lap band surgery. I spoke with my doctor and he had never heard of it, but it looked like a good idea to him. SO Dr. Fiallo has challenged me to try it and I'm already on Day Two!!!


Like the website says, many of us turn to "Slider Foods," the foods that slide right through our bands to maybe avoid that uncomfortable feeling.(You know, that RESTRICTION feeling we're SUPPOSED to feel...) BUT let's face it, what's better than eating the foods we all LOVED (but didn't love us back- because they made us fat in the first place!)


Things that go through our bands easily are crackers, chips, JUNK FOOD...(I know I'm certainly guilty of eating this garbage!) and what apparently happens is these junk foods slide right through the bands and don't fill us up...


The point is, it's not only a jump start for my band, but even if it isn't the "miracle cure" I've been searching for, it's certainly puts my recent food choices up for scrutiny...I WANT to be healthy again...AND I REALLY WANT TO GET BACK INTO MY SIZE 6 GAP JEANS THIS SUMMER!!! LOL


Days 1 and 2 are clear liquids. The site has told me that on Days 1 & 2 I need to stick to "Liquid Protein" Listed are: Low-carb protein shakes (hello my old friend Unjury...), broth, clear or Cream (I know, yay! CREAM!) Soups, Sugar-free Jello AND PUDDING...and of course PLENTY of water. I've even included black coffee (with a SMALL amount of sugar free creamer...I just couldn't stomach the black coffee alone...)


Well, today (Tuesday, May 15, 2012) many of my students (I teach high school, but have known may students from before my weight loss surgery, so they've celebrated my weight loss and know my agony of what I've put back on...) asked if I've lost weight!!! The mentioned my pants were looking too baggy...and you know kids, they are brutally honest!!! SO anyway, I'm super psyched and that has kept me going on this. I am actually down about 4 pounds since last Friday (5/11)(I should also mention that I've been counting calories like a crazy person and have limited myself to 1200 - 1500/day using the smart phone app "myfitnesspal.")


Anyhow, I hope some of you out there find this info helpful. I will update my progress daily, wish me luck!! (Also wishing you all the best of luck on this journey to being healthy!!!)


Tara xx


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You still look amazing, I think gaining back is what we all fear. I am 19 months post op and have lost 103 lbs with 17 to go and what you are going through is what I fear most as get closer and closer to goal. I am sometimes obsessed with exercise even though I don't eat much junk. I do log my food everyday on MFP and have for a while, I was stuck and needed to figure out why. I say the write ups on the pouch test but just could not bring my self to go back to liquids so I just kept adjusting my food, had my band filled and exercised my butt off. Finally the inches started to drop again and the scales slowly. I hope this works for you, we were successful before and I am sure you will be successful again. Good Luck

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Thanks so much!!! I am just ready to lose this 20 pounds even if it means I have to exercise. LOL. Keep in touch!

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