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Flipped Port

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I had my lapband surgery April of 2011. The first fill I went in for did not go well. I think it was 4-6 weeks after I had the lapband surgery. I had formed fluid around the port and the dr drew that off and put me on an antibiotic for a week. I went back 2-4 weeks later and he still had trouble getting to my port. They sent me down to xray. My port had tilted. He was able to fill it then and1 or 2x after that at an angle. Then when I went back for a fill in August the port had completely flipped over. I had surgery in October to have the port redone. I went for a fill 4-6 weeks after that and it went well. My next fill was in Jan. and all went well at that appt. When I went back for a follow up visit in March my dr. did not give me a fill because I had lost 10+ lbs. since my last visit and did not think I needed a fill at the time. Today I went for a check up and when he was feeling my stomach he said this port feels like it is moving and should not be doing that. Then when he went to give me a fill he could not access the port again. I go Thursday for a xray but all indications from today's appt. points to me having a port that has flipped again. I am just wondering if any of you other banders have had any trouble with your ports??? I am so down tonight about it :(

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So sorry, this has happened again! My port is slightly tilted and has been since surgery but I did not need to have it revised. I can only imagine how frustrating this must be for you. I hope your wrong and they can fix it will minimal surgery.

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My port was fine for the first 12 months but at my last appointment I mentioned to my surgeon that I had felt it move. He had difficulty accessing it for my fill and agreed that it had tilted. He explained that the port has a mechanical attachment (bit like a staple), plus he stitches it in place to reduce the risk of port flips. He said his rate of flip is one in 100. I may end up being that one! But if so, he said it would only be day surgery to repair.

So, yes, ports do tilt and flip but you seem incredibly unlucky if it has happened to you twice!

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