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Moving Forward In Dealing With My Issues

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Hello Friends,


Life has been good but very busy. I have been able to reach out to the people around me more and build relationships.


After my breakup I hid away, like an injured animal back in her cave. I got to work each day but not much else.


Now I am planning each day after work and the weekend activities ahead of time. Asking people I want to spend time with to join me in those activites. This is hard for me to do. Childhood things........


But I am facing it. I think about who would enjoy that activity and ask them. If they decline, I still don't like that feeling I get. But I just think of someone else or go anyway. Probably no big deal for many people, but a big step for me.


I'm doing good on:

  1. eating healthy breakfast
  2. eating fruits and vege's

Bad habits I'm working on:

  1. Not eating in front of TV
  2. Not eating in car

Good Journey all,



When the righteous cry for help, the Lord hears, and delivers them out of all their troubles. The Lord in near to the brokenhearted, and saves the crushed in spirit. Ps 34:17-18

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Thank you Lovethenewme.

I think I am coming out of the fog.

I feel happier and am playing Tennis and bicycling.

The eating habits are also getting better.

I'll weight in Sunday and see if there's progress on the scales. Whether there is or not I am going to just focus on the good habits I'm adding and the bad habits I'm breaking.

Good Journey,


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