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Never Give Up.....

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That's my mind set. It has to be. I don't have it in me to quit without a fight.......


I had surgery September 30th, 2011. I expected my weightloss to be a little slower than I would have liked simply because I received a promotion with work and moved out of state 8 weeks after surgery. It then took me until February to get in with another doctor up here. But since February I have had 2 fills (that's a total of 3) and although I feel restriction and I excercise 4 days a week for 1 hour I haven't lost any weight.


Now with that being said I have lost a total of 27lbs since the start of this. And for me...hey it's 27lbs that I don't need.


I do find myself getting frustrated because I have gone so long without seeing any weightloss. Has anyone else experienced this? If so......please share. I need some encouragement right about now. :)

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The weight loss journey with lapband is so much more difficult than I think we all imagined. Everyones body responds so differently to the band and the rate at which we lose weight. Some times on this site we only here half the stories and not all the frustrations. I have had my share of ups and downs, some tiimes I shared part of the frustrations but mostly I shared my successes because I felt that people needed the postive as much as my negative. If I were to look back at my weight loss and give you a summary of how I lost you would see months that I sat at the same weight, doing everything right, never cheating, exercising, but the numbers never moved. I spent days, weeks and months, getting stuck, pucking back when I ate too fast, getting to a point where I didn't care if I ever ate because it was just not worth it somedays. But I couldn't give up, I hate to fail at anything, can't is just not in my vocabulary. I became obsessed with what I ate, I logged every morsal I put in my mouth, I lived on this web site. Go to your inbox, we can get through this and you will be successful. Cyber hugs and I am glad you came back.

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