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I posted this as a forum topic, asking what everyone's motivation was. Then realized it's a better blog entry. Thank God for copy/paste!!




So... I'm having trouble this week. My husband and I have been looking into the band for almost a month. We had a consultation. I had an EGD and found out I do have a hernia. We're making progress towards surgery... but I'm having trouble remembering that I'm doing this for me.


My #1 reason - I want to have a baby. Desperately. My husband and I agreed that I needed to lose weight to have a healthy pregnancy. We've tried everything and nothing would stick. Weight Watchers, HCG, diet and exercise, Slimfast... We'd do it for a while, not see much results, get discouraged and stop.


Well, since we started down the path to the band, I've been getting comments that I've never heard before - towards me or anyone. I'm sure b/c of my size things have been said behind my back. But WOW. I didn't know people could be so cruel. And of course, it had to happen AFTER I made the steps toward something that could actually help me be healthier.


I've never had a self-esteem problem. I like me, always have. I'm not getting the band b/c I think I'm ugly or unattractive. I want to be healthy. I want to start a family with the man I love. But these remarks are so hurtful and discouraging. It's hard to remember that this is for me. That I don't need other people's approval. That I'm not trying to prove them wrong.


What's your motivation? What keeps you going? How did you fight ugly-on-the-inside people before the band? And after?


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well for me i dont want to be unhappy anymore, i want to walk by a mirror and instead and looking away, stop and look at myself, i want to believe that i can do this and be happy, to be honest everybody has good days and bad, some days i lack the motivation to go to the gym, but them i look back at what i have acomplished and keep on trucking

telling people about the band for me was a problem in the beginning i was affriad people would think i was lazy and that i was looking for the easy way out, i hid it from my boyfriend for those reasons, and then when i told him, he broke up with me and said pretty much those same words, lol. At that point i could have been the old me, retreated into my own world and fed my pain with food but instead ive used that as my focus, to never be affraid

Whenever i am having a bad day or dont wanna go to the gym i have to sit their and argue to myself, which is worse an hour at the gym, or being affriad to do things because of my weight, i made a decision the day i had my surgery and i am not gonna turn back now!!

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My motivation is mixed. Part of me is getting banded to be healthy. My whole family is diabetic with high blood pressure, and coincidentally, obese. I don't want that to be me. But another part of me wants to finally be comfortable in my own skin. To, like smilinginside, be able to walk past a mirror and actually stop and think "I look alright today!" instead of grimicing. I have an amazing, supportive husband who I know loves me no matter what size I am, but I know I can be a better person if I was happier with myself. To achieve that I have to be comfortable with myself. This process so far has proven to me that I can do things I never thought I could, and I'm just starting.

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My motivation was to be Healthy...Looking awesome was going to be the icing on the cake!!

I just had my band removed after 4 years-It didn't make me healthy,It made me thinner for awhile and then it just made me sick, Literally,

Please please look into all the wls available to you especially if your doing this to fall pregnant-statistically you WILL have more surgeries with the band weather to fix a flip/slip or removal or reband.

I just went through three pretty scary years with this and im far from alone you need to look up the failed band sites and the negative stories as well as the posotive you also need to look into people that are 3,4,5,8,10 years out not just the ones that are 6 months or 18 months!!

I wish you all the best and i hope that you have a beautiflu and healthy pregnancy when the time comes.

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