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I've Finally Gone Viral!



Ok so it's almost been one year since i was banded and i have been video blogging on my phone. i was torn as to if i was going to ever post them. well i decided about a month ago that i would. then realized i had no idea how to post them from my phone to my computer.....lol. well duh! i finally realized yesterday that i have an app on my phone. LOL (yeah me and technology arent' the best of friends. ) anyhow i started posting yesterday. i have about 20 videos i think but i 've just started posting so i have about 8 up thus far.

feel free to check out my blog on there. my name is jennypoo6043....just wanted to share my experience with others and hopefully help someone along the way.

i cant believe the number of women that have reached out to me for support from this site that i talk to or text. i've found some friends all over the country that i would have never had the chance to meet had it not been for LBT! i would love to plan a reunion one day somewhere with everyone i've spoken with, but for now i'll settle for this.



thanks guys and feel free to leave comments on you tube.



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