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Month Seven

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Well im on my month seven of lap band. I have to say that so far i have had my bad times my good times and my blah times. Mainly the times that have been bad have really been my own fault. Like when i don't go to the bathroom for four days and i get built up gas all in my stomach well that's my fault and i have learned that i have to keep up with things like that. Well that is what i am going through this week and let me tell you it hurts and its not fun and i couldn't even go to work today because i couldn't get off the toilet. Now i know lots will not understand this but not all laxatives are the same. And never before lap band have i had to take any kind of a laxative. But with the band comes new things lol. So i took one Monday and nothing so yesterday i took a new one and holly cow! Never again will i listen when the bottle says you can take three at a time! But on the bright side and yes there is always a bright side today i want to eat again where as for the past four day i haven't really wanted to eat anything in fact i know this is bad but the only things that i have really eaten in the last four days has been about four crackers a day. That's what happens when you don't go to the bathroom.

But enough about that, This is what i would really like to talk about today and yes im sure it may piss off some but really i don't care, someone needs to say it right? This is what i hear the most and some how it really hits a nerve with me. Its when people say well so and so had it done and they lost a few pounds but they weight more now. OR i read this ALLOT " im sick of lap band i don't weight any less and i hate it im getting the sleeve." OK no normally i would feel sorry of the person but when i start asking questions like well how many times did you have it filled? And they say oh well just once or twice then i stopped going, it kinda makes me what to say well then its your own damn fault and maybe you should have spent the money some place else. And i understand that the sleeve seems to work for lots of people don't get me wrong there but again you have to work with that just like you do with the band!!!!! I know that getting stuck isn't the funnest part of the band and in fact it SUCKS but if you eat what you know that you can and you do what your supposed to do then i don't see the problem! As far as restriction go well i have it but then again i have been fill every month since i had this done minus two because i didn't need it. Its like i told my friend that just had this done last month, Its not easy and at times it sucks but when you start to look awesome and people start to tell you how good you look you want to keep going even though sometimes it sucks. I told her that you have to get your fills and that you have to still watch how much your eating because at times your head can lie to you when your stomach is saying stop and I told her my all time very Favorite line " The band doesn't fail people, people fail the band" which means you would with the band you do what your supposed to and you will loose the weight! I mean really if so many people fail with the band then why is there still so many that get it done. Here is another thing, you have to have a want to. You have to want to loose the weight because if not your just spinning your wheels. I have herd to many people so well i have had the band for three months and i haven't lost that much well it didn't take you three months to gain it all so why would it take only three months to loose it all?????????

I have been told that at times i can be harsh and yes i know very well that i can but really don't keep complaining about something when your not willing to work for what you want! i can walk up to 15 miles now could i do that the first day UH NO i could barely do one and i didn't get up to that until about my third month after surgery but i am out there everyday. When i first got on the bike i could barley do a 10 min incline run now i am up to 45 mins and you know what i can do it and i can keep going because i have to want to! I have 20 more pounds to go until i can say that i am the same weight as i was in high school i was 175 and no i wasn't fat. but any ways all im say is that your cant complain about the band unless you have worked every where possible with the band to loose the weight.

Hate it or not that's how i feel! TO everyone working hard to get to your goals keep it up and there is a light at the end of the tunnel for everyone!

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Have you tried Smooth Move Tea? I discussed this with my doc to yesterday and he suggested. He told me to drink it a couple of times a week and it will work. I'm picking some up today.

Love the rest of you blog too! ;)

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No i have never heard of that but i will look for some!!! UGH yesterday was horrible! i couldnt even go to work i was on the potty all day and when i took my son to baseball practice we had to leave early but lucky for me his coach has lap band too so she understands. Any ways thanks for the comment and i will look for the tea.

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No i have never heard of that but i will look for some!!! UGH yesterday was horrible! i couldnt even go to work i was on the potty all day and when i took my son to baseball practice we had to leave early but lucky for me his coach has lap band too so she understands. Any ways thanks for the comment and i will look for the tea.

Well I picked some up and drank some before I went to bed last night and it worked. :)

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