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And Then There Was A Pouch

I am really really glad I found a post to share my lap-band surgery experience. I thought about creating a personal blog, but felt it would lack the support from other lap-band patients. So here goes everything:

I had my surgery on 10/31/2011. Halloween. Barely had time to grab halloween costumes for my boys-who have been super supportive of mommies post surgery needs-as supportive as 7 and 9 years olds can be:) Surgery went great, post 3-4 days was as painful as abdominal surgery is expcted to be and by day 6-7, I was feeling much much better. I took a three week leave from work which was great to get rest, adjust to the eating routine and just be stress-free to truly focus on recovering.

I hated being on the liquid diet for what...4 weeks? That was hard as hell. But by my 3 week appt I had dropped 11 pounds.


I started at 256lbs. Im currently at 239 which is a little frustrating for me. But I defintely notice what many weightloss surgery folks notice....my clothes are all big. I was wearing an 18-20 pre surgery and purchased my first size 14 pants a couple of weeks ago. All of my old pants, whether jeans or dress pants, are big on me. I'm wearing my old bra's and buying size large sweats versus extra large. So I'm not too concerned about the scale, but it's frustrating and that's maybe because 256 and even at 239, it's the heaviest I have ever been.


I've had one fill and can't recall how many cc's I received, but I have another fill coming on 4/25/2012-which will be 4 months after my last fill.


I can certainly feel the restriction. But I do get hungry in between. Now I have a hard time eating the following foods (which is not a bad thing): rice, bread, eggs, pasta, and grilled chicken unless it's extremely tender. Can't eat fast even if I want too! It will come right back up and keeps me in constant control of how I eat which is fantastic. I buy less groceries, I order less when I go out. If I do eat too fast, the pain is a good reminder to not do it again.


I was advised during my last nutrion visit to not count calories. They want to know how I do and how I feel just by eating and go about my daily routine. So that's what I've been doing. One constant that I still deal with? Finding time to exercise! The size of my stomach changed (the little band anyway), but my normal every day schedule has not!


I'm determined to make this work for me and again, I can physically see that results are possible so I'm not giving up my fight to use this tool I've been given. Especially since the post surgery pain is still fresh in my mind:)


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Just so you know you are not alone...I was banded on 10/21/11. I have a 4 1/2 yr old and a baby that will be one yr old on 4/16! And I work full time. And I commute 1 hr to work & 1 hr home b/c my mom keeps my girls & she's in between where I live & where I work. And I used to be a gym rat before I had 2 little ones & a husband & a house out of control... I weighed in at 267lbs when I had surgery & now am at 247. Have 5cc's in a 10cc band. I have restriction. I eat protein first & then veggies/fruits & yes I have a sweet tooth & i indulge in a little low-fat ice cream or a piece of chocolate. The band does keep me from overeating...Lord knows I've thrown up enough from eating too fast or too much! But I get hungry & I'm struggling to find a window of opportunity for exercise. I actually cook dinner most nights so when you factor in the clean up & getting babies ready for bed (& yes my hubby helps)....my time is gone...'scuse me...MY time is gone. Thought I'd have lost a lot more by now since I eat so little. Been feeling like this is just another failed (& very expensive) attempt to leave the fat girl behind...

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Good luck to you. I can honestly say though that my saving grace has been counting calories. I am not one of the lucky one's who rarely feels hungry until 4 hours after the last meaI. I know that I did so good the first year staying around 1000 calories a day. Been struggling with a couple pounds up and down for the last 2 months and I know that it's because I have been eating more calories.

I'd say give it a try. What could it hurt?

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Thanks for all the motivation guys-

@dandedehs--we just can't give up. think of the pain we went through those first few days? That's the only thing keeping me on track right now. Could I possibly put myself through so much pain and not make it work? I'm hoping this space gives me, and you, and everyone else like us, the strength we need to get this damned weight off:)

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