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7 Weeks Banded-What To Eat? Oh And I Got A Puppy!



today makes 7 weeks banded for me...what a journey already!



jan 23-241-before pre-op diet

feb 15-233 surgery day

apr 4-212


i completed 30 minutes on the elliptical yesterday!!! it was my first time on that evil machine! it works the hell outta you! my pants are really baggy especially in the crouch and thigh areas:) tightly wearing a stretchy cotton XL shirt!


THE SCALE-so i decided that i'd weigh in weekly because i was driving myself crazy with the scale. i was banded on a wednesday so my weigh in days are wednesdays. i joined the april weight loss challenge and the weigh in days are sundays so twice a week it is for april! this has been difficult for me because i was weighing multiple times daily! pure torture!


FILL-i had my first fill last Friday and i am not sure how i feel about it (see previous post for details on the fill). there are times when i feel hungrier (real hunger) than i did before my fill...weird. i don't think i really needed a fill to begin with as i was not really feeling hungry and was still losing weight. i could only take an additional 2 cc's on top of the one that was added at surgery. i think i was expecting the fill to be some magical thing that would take over my body and create some type of change...and maybe that's what it's supposed to do, not sure yet. and maybe that's what it did, also not sure yet! i do know that the fill has made me think more about the way i am eating and i have been slowed down at least three times by my body telling me "you are eating too fast" and "that's enough". so the fill is working...i just don't understand why i feel physical hunger more now...any ideas? going to see my surgeon next week for my 2 month check-up...i'll see what he has to say about this...


FOOD-i have been super consumed with thoughts of food ever since i was given the green light to be on step 4...which is basically the step where you can eat like a normal person...but i feel that i can't really because i don't know what that is. i talked with a fellow band mate that was banded a year ago and she suggested that i go back to eating the way i did before the band as she had. you know, eat regular like we all did before the band!!! NOW WAY! my eating habits pre-band were horrible and there is no way i'm doing that again i don't care how little i can eat...there will be no fried anything, no pizza, no chips, no sweets, and no "bad carbs"...these are all my downfall...as an overweight person i KNOW what to eat, but as an overweight person in recovery i feel lost. i crave the flavor that is crammed into all the bad stuff and i am not much of cook so this has been difficult. i am also one of those folks that eats rather simply, meaning i eat the same stuff over and over and don't do much to expand my menus:/ this is a major goal for me...MAJOR...


YUM-i went to starbucks for the first time since january and ordered a skinny decaf vanilla latte--120 cals...can't become a habit, but it was good:)


PUPPY-hubby and i were walking with our 2 year old black lab miles and a family was moving and asked us of we wanted another lab...we were like "noooo". they said they couldn't take her to their new place and were going to take her to the pound...they said she was current on her shots and was house broken...so we looked at her and the next thing i know we are walking home with two dogs! she is six months and we named her daisy!!


happy spring all...until next week...in weight loss and beyond

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Hi there , yes i agree not going back to old habits is the best thing , im ony 2 days into my band and i have allway said to myself , i will treat the new halthy eating habits as if i was a new born stating out for the first time , well when you think about it its kind of like that , we start on liquid move to mush then go on to the real thing right! So for me i dont want to even entertain the idea of starting bad habits. I know i had a slip up or two on the pre diet and it made it that much harder to get back on track , i just started obsessing over the food thing again , so from now on it stay on the path and do step off it !!

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