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Doin' It By Myself



Hello All. Well let's start of by saying my surgery date is April 12th 2012 (yeah!!!). It was a simple and quick procees that I started in February and I'm getting banded in 2 wks. I have bcbs of IL. It only took them five days to approve my surgery. The doc's office said that was one of the quickest they've seen. In saying that, I just want to give all the glory to God. I prayed and said Lord Jesus if this is what you want for me then make it easy and he has. All my test's went smooth, no problems, and no complaints. I didn't really know what to expect reading some of the post on this site about the test's and the insurance approval process, but like I said thank you Jesus he made it easy for me. So this is a question to the post op banders on here: I'm single with no kids. I don't want to tell my friends or family about the surgery because of how they've reacted to other people we know that has had weight loss surgery. My doc requires an overnight stay at the hospital, but when I'm released would I be able to handle it at home by myself? I was going to take a cab home so I wouldn't have to drive as the hospital isn't that far from where I live. I am also planning to have everything I need so I won't have to go to the store for at least a week. By what I've read it seems pretty painful and I'm not sure that it's a good idea to go it alone. I really don't have a choice because I don't want anyone to know. But if it's going to put my health in danger then I would have someone. Please let me know what you think. Thanks a lot for reading this long blog


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oh I do understand you not wanting to tell any one...the last thing we need is neg soap box speeches..... But Id be worryed not having at least one family/friend not knowing or being there for you.Where you are from do they have a local support group...where you live do they have a local support group...that would be helpful...Good Luck and were all here for you

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I agree with dee, I'm sure how bad this surgery is but you really need someone there for support.The ooner you tell someone the more time they have to ajust to it.

wishing you well.

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I would have been fine alone, but some people seem to have a really hard time with it. I bounced back pretty quickly and has minimal pain. I would keep in mind that there is a lifting limit for the first month that you don't want to go over, so someone to help with heavier things is nice.

try to get in with the local support groups. You should be fine alone but do need some support behind you.

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i also was fine after surgery and needed no assistance, but everyone's body is different and experience is very different. i hope that you can find at least one soul to entrust with this info...just in case...dig deep...there has to be someone...

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can somebody tell me how to put ticketfactory on my profile? I already made it, cut and pasted it but I'm stuck on how to get it on here. Please help. Thanks

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I'm offically banded, and yes I did it by myself. It was much easier than I thought. I caught a cab to the hospital which was only 10min away. I checked in, after surgery I was in recovery for about 2hrs until they found a bed. The pain meds were good & definitly made the pain go away. But, the pain to me felt like really bad period cramps.Once I got to my room they gave me broth & tea which was great! Broth never tasted so good! The next day, today, I took a taxi back home, and I'm sleeping on & off I'm still taking my paid meds every 4 hrs. They gave me liquid vicotin. So, all is well and yes you can do it by yourself.

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It's one week later after my surgery and I feel fine. I've been going to the gym walking on the treadmil for 30 m at regular speed w/no pain. My doc recommended to start excerising asap w/no limits so that's what I've been doing. All of my swelling has gone down. I think that was my biggest suprise after surgery my swollen belly. The day I went to surgery I was 235. When I got home the next day after the surgery I weighed 242 lbs. Today, I weigh 231lbs. So 11 pounds lost in one week. Granted, a lot of that was the air going down in my belly, the swelling going down, the liquids only etc..., but I will take it. I just thank God this has been an easy journey so far. I stopped taking the vicotin on Monday so about 4 days. As of Sunday, I stopped taking the vicotin reguarly maybe about 2x a day instead of every 4 hrs. So again, thank you Lord Jesus for making it easy!

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