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Super Busy, And The Confounding Question

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Hi all, long time no blog. :)


Sorry it's been so long, things have been super busy and drama-filled here at home. My boyfriend and his dad have been renovating the business they just bought, so he's been gone all day, every day since the beginning of this month. Then he comes home and works on the computer until I don't know when. He's been under so much stress that it's starting to become a problem for all of us. They've been working frantically to try and open by this weekend, St. Patrick's Day. But unfortunately, today he found out that the previous owners pulled some not-so-funny business with the liquor license, so now that plan has to be scrapped. I've been pretty good food-wise, though, despite all the stress and chaos. I will fully admit that I have had several episodes of stress-induced sugar indulgence, but nothing that has been so bad that it's affected my weight. Thank the Lord.


But that brings me to the confounding question. The question that I've been asked about a half-dozen times this month. Every time someone finds out that I'm losing weight, they smile and say "Great, now you don't have to worry about having surgery, right?"


It would be frustrating enough to hear that from anyone, but especially so because I've heard it from my mom, my nutritionist, and even my family doctor. And it makes it even more hard for me to get excited about losing this weight. I already have that little negative voice in the back of my head saying "So what, you've done this before! You've lost more than this before, and look what happened! You gained it all back and then some! So you might as well give up now because you're going to fail anyway. Why suffer any longer, just go to the store and buy yourself a bag of Reese's cups and forget about this nonsense!"


I guess this question bothers me so much for two reasons. The first reason is that I feel it's too early to decide that I can do it myself this time. My gosh, it's only been 22 pounds. Let's not jump to conclusions. And secondly, if anyone is going to decide that I can do this myself, it should be me! I don't want to be pressured out of surgery just because I've lost 22 pounds! I've got six more months to make up my mind, and then I will decide. Not before then, and not because somebody else thinks I should or shouldn't.


In the meantime, I'm trying to focus on the positive. I'm working on my food issues, my eating habits, and my emotional relationship with food. And it's hard to believe it, but it's getting easier to ignore that little negative voice. I don't think it'll ever go away, but it is getting quieter, and for that I am incredibly thankful.

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22 lbs is awesome! you are right though, you and only you can make this decision. my husband is a weight loss machine when he puts his mind to it. two summers ago he lost 60 lbs, that's right 60 by exercising and changing his eating habits...he gained it all back plus 20-30 more over the winter...last summer we started attending these wls seminars together and he told he was definitely getting the band. he was more sure than i was with my co-morbidities and threats from my pcp that my insulin and syringes were waiting for me at the next doctor visit if i hadn't lost weight...i was puzzled because he has always been able to lose weight easliy. he told me it was the maintenance piece that he felt would be helpful with a tool. he got banded earlier this week and although he did not have to do a pre-op diet he lost 30 pounds in 6 weeks prior to his surgery...none of his health care professionals questioned his decision to go through with the surgery and he feels that he made the right decision...

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I had people say the same thing. My question for you is have you ever lost weight only to regain it? I know I have. At 12, 18, and 30 I lost over 100 pounds only to regain it plus. Another thing to tell them is only 5% of people that lose a major amount of weight keep it off forever. Those aren't great odds.

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I had my family doctor say that the other day. She wanted to know why I jsut didn't have te band taken out and I said why would I pay all that money and do that. I think she thinks its a mind thing with the band. I just ignored her

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