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Hello Coffee Addict!



During the WLS Seminar, the surgeon mentioned that the dietician is going to tell us all that we must not drink coffee. Forget the Starbucks, no more Dutch Brothers, skip the home brew. This, my friends, was devistating news to me.


See, I don't drink alcohol. I've never smoked and never even thought of touching drugs. But coffee...oooh coffee. I drink it all day long. I would rarely buy the good coffees (Starbucks, Dutch Bros) but I would drink a pot of coffee a day.


When asked the reasoning behind that idea, the surgeon said the focus needs to be on giving your body only what it needs. "Okay", I thought, "I totally get it, I can do this!".


Saturday was my grande finale. That night, I ran the coffee pot parts through the dishwasher and put it all away.


Sunday I tried a cup of black tea, then some diet green tea with ginsing later in the day. No caffiene headache, and I felt pretty good. Monday was pretty successful too. Yesterday though...yesterday was a doozie. I REALLY wanted a venti white chocolate mocha frappuccino from Starbucks. As in, it was all I could think about all day. I had a headache, I was tired, and seriously doubting my decision to go 'cold turkey' on this whole caffiene-free thing. A coworker suggested grabbing a Pepsi, but again, my focus is on transitioning to what my body needs not what my head wants. So I resisted.


Has anyone else had to give up anything (besides the yummy food!) to get in the right mindset for surgery.....or do you think it's better to "live it up" while you can pre-op since you'll essentially never have some things again (if you stick to the plan)?


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I drink coffee every day - several cups - black but flavored (i.e., hazlenut, vanilla etc.) - it's just black cofee with a hint of flavor but no cream or sugar etc. so little to no calories. I've lost over 100 pounds in less than 8 months - so it hasn't harmed me on my journey! I have given up diet coke (and all pop/carbonated beverages/beer) - that about killed me but WELL WORTH THE SACRIFICE!!!!!

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I also drink coffee every day...about 2-3 cups in the a.m. while getting ready for work. The nutritionist I saw said they recommend not taking in coffee/soft drinks b/c 1--they want to make sure you understand you need to get in 64 oz of really beneficial, hyrating fluids like water/unsweet tea & if you fill up on coffee/diet soda they essentially help dehydrate you. And 2--coffee or soft drinks (caffeinated or not) have acid in them that leaches calcium out of your bones. since there is not good long-term studies on bariatric surgery patients & their bone health...they want us to be aware of the risk. That is also why it is agood idea to take calc/vit D supplement. I continue to drink my coffee w/ a little creamer but I'm taking my supplements.

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I also drink coffee daily. My doc said forget about the fancy Dutch Bros treats - and get plain coffee with Splenda and creamer.I saw the nutritonal facts for Dutch Bros - their large frozen coffee thingy has 500 cals! Wow! Thats a meal and a 1/2! So I do still drink my small skinny hot caramelizer with an extra shot about 3x a week and make coffee at home and have about 3 cups a day. It's been 2 1/2 yrs for me and I haven't hurt my band. I also drink thru a straw, eat bread, pasta, and rice - I guess I'm a rebel. One thing I DON'T do is to drink while I eat. I can't. Make me vomit immediately.

So I guess the moral of the story is: Drinking coffee is fine but try and keep clear of the calorie dense fancy ones at the coffee house. They'll suck your daily calories down in one cup.


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I have a tall skinny Hazelnut latte from starbucks often. It is 90 cals and has helped keep me on track and not having things I shouldn't. I lost 130 pounds in nine months and it did not slow me down at all!

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I haven't been told to not drink coffee and I was banded 11 months ago. I still drink three to four cups a day. I have cut out all fizzy drinks (was drinking at least one litre per day) and I don't miss it at all.

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