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Alcohol Issues

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Hi everyone!


Im 23 years old and ive been banded since november.... I hadnt really drank since then but as I am in college I had a few nights over the last few weeks out... I notice myself not been able to handle to much alcohol anymore and had a weird experience the last nite...

I had barely drank and then had a black spell where my friends said it was like I was out of it on drugs... I dont take drugs and I was in a friends house so wasnt spiked... I find this stressing as I used to be able to drink all night and never ever have a black spell that I couldnt remember.




Has anyone elde had bad experiences with drink after been banded?





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Yes! You are going to get intoxicated a lot more faster than the "normal" person. I was told by my md it is because we eat a lot less calories than a non-bandster. He said "it's okay to drink just do it at home the first time" I was sooo scared. Now I'm okay, I do get drunk a lot faster. I have found if I pace myself I'll be okay. I have a drink, then one pint of ice water, another drink (the same as the first one....or not lol ;) ) and another pint of ice water etc. I always end the night with water just to clear my pouch out from anything that could be acidic (ie margaritas).

Hope that helps :)

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Drinking wth Lapband can sneek up on you very quickly. I have a one drink rule and only after I have had some food. There is a reason for my rule. I had an experience last year around this time of the year. We were out with friends and I had eaten my usually small portion but had a large portion of wine. Thank goodness I was with my husband and good friends or it could have been a diasaster. I really never had thought about it before that night, I knew the potentional to become quickly intoxicated was there, but had no idea how fast it could sneek up on you. Just be careful and make sure you are with friends if you drink outside of your home.

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Please be careful. I work in an outpatient substance abuse clinic, and there is a high connection between people who have had gastric surgery and alcohol/drug addiction. I have made a committment for that reason for the first year after my surgery to remain abstinent from alcohol. Please, please be careful.

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Thank you guys... I have been sooo scared and paranois bout it the last two days but Ive been talking to my friends aswell and told them that I cant drink the same anymore so not to ask me to do the normal crazy stuff and they all agree that it is in my best safety... thanks again.. it always good to know the facts even if I ask a day too late ha ha

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i had an experience just like that, but in a resturant!! Me and hubby went for dinner, and I wanted to try just one margarita, before my meal because I dont drink and eat at the same time. Well I tried to drink it too fast and I was zonkered!! It was over with as fast as it started but I was sick and sweating and out of it!! Yikes, now I drink very little and very slow!!

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