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Well, I just got back from wal-mart, and did my shopping to start my liver shrinkage diet. I'm even excited about that, am I crazy or what? At least there is some good food I can have on this diet. I also bought the movie 'The DaVinci Code' I've listened to the book and saw the movie. They are both great, but you can't compare them because they are so different. The movie is great in it's own rite, but the book is so much more in depth. Yeah, I'm one of those who don't compare the books to the movies. I love movies way too much to do that. If I did that, I would never watch another movie again for as long as I live.

Well, walking around wal mart for an hour just killed my leg. I'm not supposed to walk that much after the surgery cuz it might bleed out, but I was very very careful. It took like 10 trips in from the car with what I bought. I can't life over 10 pounds for like 2 weeks. That could either suck, or it might just be awesome cuz people will have to do things for me. So, I guess I love it, but then again, I'm a hard worker, and I dont' like to ask for help, so it will be hart. Oh jeez, what a contradiction!?!?! I don't know what to do. I've always had that problem. I'm a perfectionist, and I'm also a procrastinator. So it has to be perfect.....tomorrow! Yeah, I get so confused at times. Do I clean, or do I sit on my butt and watch tv??? Well, I guess since I'm on here gettin' this surgery, you know which one I did the most? But anyway, there were lots of people at the hospital for me when I had my heart cath, which was wonderful! And there were lots more that called, and wanted to stay out of my way, but they were equally concerned. I appreciate each and everyone of them so very much. However, lets talk for a moment about the 2 that aren't at the top of the list......

1st, my best friend Derek, okay, so he came to the hospital and stayed with me longer than most anyone else did, except my parents, but he was supposed to call me today so we could do something. Guess what??? He didn't call, he didn't even answer his cell phone when I called him, or his home phone. I guess he just got too tied up in things to call. Right, the lazy fool, he probably got a call from his girlfriend, and totally forgot about me, but he at least was there when I needed him for my surgery. You see, one day he is awesome, the next he sux!!!

2nd, my friend that I visit all the time, and spend quite a bit of money on. Let's see, did she come and see me? No! Her mother did, she spent 5 hours at the hospital with me. Did she call her mom to see how I was doing? No. Did she call me to see how I was doing? No. Did she at least call me in the previous week to let me know that she was worried? No. Did she text me asking how I was? No. Did she even message me on msn? No. And she was even there when I was online. I know it cuz her message kept changing with things on it that only she would put. Sounds to me like she don't give a hoot about me, doesn't it sound that way to you? Just agree with me, especially when I'm on a roll, okay? Now get this.....her dad has been in training for the past 3 months, and he finally got a leave to come home for Thanksgiving. In a couple months he will be shipped out to Iraq. Okay, so you think she would want to spend some time with him this weekend, right? Nope! She is leaving on Friday to go to a Broadway musical, that she has seen 6 or so times already, with a friend of hers, instead of spending time with her dad who may not be home before he gets shipped out. She may never see him again, you just never know. Does this sound a little self-absorbed to you? Yeah, it does to me too, and her mother feels the same way. I can't stand people who are selfish. It really bothers me.

So, have I complained enough? By the way, let me explain something. I don't ever complain to anyone I know. I keep it all inside because I don't want to complain about people. That's why I have to let it out here. I'm not really a jerk, I just sound like one from time to time. Anyway, I'll shut up now........g'nite!

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Well, I just got back from wal-mart, and did my shopping to start my liver shrinkage diet. I'm even excited about that, am I crazy or what? At least there is some good food I can have on this diet. I also bought the movie 'The DaVinci Code' I've listened to the book and saw the movie. They are both great, but you can't compare them because they are so different. The movie is great in it's own rite, but the book is so much more in depth. Yeah, I'm one of those who don't compare the books to the movies. I love movies way too much to do that. If I did that, I would never watch another movie again for as long as I live.

Well, walking around wal mart for an hour just killed my leg. I'm not supposed to walk that much after the surgery cuz it might bleed out, but I was very very careful. It took like 10 trips in from the car with what I bought. I can't life over 10 pounds for like 2 weeks. That could either suck, or it might just be awesome cuz people will have to do things for me. So, I guess I love it, but then again, I'm a hard worker, and I dont' like to ask for help, so it will be hart. Oh jeez, what a contradiction!?!?! I don't know what to do. I've always had that problem. I'm a perfectionist, and I'm also a procrastinator. So it has to be perfect.....tomorrow! Yeah, I get so confused at times. Do I clean, or do I sit on my butt and watch tv??? Well, I guess since I'm on here gettin' this surgery, you know which one I did the most? But anyway, there were lots of people at the hospital for me when I had my heart cath, which was wonderful! And there were lots more that called, and wanted to stay out of my way, but they were equally concerned. I appreciate each and everyone of them so very much. However, lets talk for a moment about the 2 that aren't at the top of the list......

1st, my best friend Derek, okay, so he came to the hospital and stayed with me longer than most anyone else did, except my parents, but he was supposed to call me today so we could do something. Guess what??? He didn't call, he didn't even answer his cell phone when I called him, or his home phone. I guess he just got too tied up in things to call. Right, the lazy fool, he probably got a call from his girlfriend, and totally forgot about me, but he at least was there when I needed him for my surgery. You see, one day he is awesome, the next he sux!!!

2nd, my friend that I visit all the time, and spend quite a bit of money on. Let's see, did she come and see me? No! Her mother did, she spent 5 hours at the hospital with me. Did she call her mom to see how I was doing? No. Did she call me to see how I was doing? No. Did she at least call me in the previous week to let me know that she was worried? No. Did she text me asking how I was? No. Did she even message me on msn? No. And she was even there when I was online. I know it cuz her message kept changing with things on it that only she would put. Sounds to me like she don't give a hoot about me, doesn't it sound that way to you? Just agree with me, especially when I'm on a roll, okay? Now get this.....her dad has been in training for the past 3 months, and he finally got a leave to come home for Thanksgiving. In a couple months he will be shipped out to Iraq. Okay, so you think she would want to spend some time with him this weekend, right? Nope! She is leaving on Friday to go to a Broadway musical, that she has seen 6 or so times already, with a friend of hers, instead of spending time with her dad who may not be home before he gets shipped out. She may never see him again, you just never know. Does this sound a little self-absorbed to you? Yeah, it does to me too, and her mother feels the same way. I can't stand people who are selfish. It really bothers me.

So, have I complained enough? By the way, let me explain something. I don't ever complain to anyone I know. I keep it all inside because I don't want to complain about people. That's why I have to let it out here. I'm not really a jerk, I just sound like one from time to time. Anyway, I'll shut up now........g'nite!

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Oh Doug breath 1,2,3,4,5. OK let's see where to start. Stop hating on your friends girlfriend. Wouldn't you rather hang out with your girl then your boys. HELLO OK What you do for others, don't expect them to do the same for you. Everyone is not built that way.

Where you give our blessings is not always where you will get them.

I am so happy surgery went well but sorry you didn't have enought pain killers but at least it's over. Nexttttt, hey expected to hear about what you bought to shrink your liver.

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LMBO Let's pray for new friends. LOL Lord you know Dougs friends are lame, please send us some new friends. LOL He heard the prayer and guess what, he already knows about the lame friends. But it is ok because you still call them FRIENDS.

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Guest leighhoffman


I am praying too. Dear Lord, please send Doug new friends, dont kick out all of the old ones though, just the jerks. AMEN

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I have to say that you sound so great. I was smiling as I was reading your posting. A lot of things touched home. I have to agree with you on the book "The Da Vinci Code" but I watched the movie recently, as I'm recovering from my surgery, and I was not impressed at all. I was disappointed with Tom Hank's performance, maybe because going back to the book, I never pictured Tom Hank's for that role.

Regarding your friends, I agree with Teresita in terms of expecting from others to do what you did for them. As they say in my country, that would be Greece, friends come in your life for reason, a season or a lifetime. Based on your experiences with each of your friends, hopefully you'll be in a position one day to know who satisfies what capacity. You seem to have made plenty of friends here how are already praying for new friends to be sent your way :)

You started your new life on 12/26, maybe it's time for new friends as well.

Best of luck


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