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513 Days Post Surgery - Feeling Great... Almost

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So when we last spoke I was planning the hysterectomy on Dec 16th. There was no cancer and the surgery went off without a hitch. After the first two days or so, almost no pain medication was needed at all. I was recovering and feeling great. Then... on Dec 29th I began having pain. It was located up underneath my right breats. We went in to the emergency room about midnight. About three hours later they sent me home. Turns out I had gallstones. All they told me was to take the pain meds I had gotten for the hysterectomy that I had never needed. About 6 hours later, I started vomiting. Since the pain never went away, back to the ER we went. This time they admitted me and did an emergency gallbladder removal. Even though this surgery was lap and the hysterectomy was open, it is so much harder coming back from this one. The experiences were completely different; different surgeons, different hospitals, planned vs emergency.


Not to mention that they kept me in the hospital for three days with orders of 'nothing by mouth' in anticipation of having to do another procedure that never happened. Three days with only the occassional ice chip when I whined to a sympathetic nurse.


But now I'm home, recovering nicely. I have my final followup with the hysterectomy surgeon tomorrow.Hopefully he will clear me to go back to work soon.


In any case, I am down to being just overweight, not obese anymore. Yaay!

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